“It’s like PlayStation 2 in its heyday”: You Never Know the Good Times Till They’re Gone, as Cliffy B Looked Back Fondly at 1 Specific Period of His Xbox Influence

This popular game developer prefers nostalgia.

cliffy b, xbox
credit: wikimedia commons/Perplexing


  • Cliffy B talks about his influences for creating the first Gears of War and how the PlayStation 2 was essential.
  • In a recent interview, this director also commented that he does not fully agree with the current state of the industry.
  • He even mentioned how Xbox tries to be like a kind of Netflix for video games.
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With the recent reveal of a new Gears of War at the last Xbox Games Showcase, the original creator of this saga reveals that he is not very satisfied with the current state of the industry. Cliffy B, the nickname of the popular Cliff Bleszinski, declared in an interview last year that he is a fan of the PlayStation 2 era with games like God of War


He talked about how these types of games influenced him to create one of Microsoft’s most popular franchises. This director eventually distanced himself from the franchise and officially retired from video games.

Cliffy B, the Creator of Gears of War, Talks About the Current State of the Industry

Cliffy B was inspired by the PlayStation 2 era of gaming.
Cliffy B was inspired by the PlayStation 2 era of gaming.

Despite having a fantastic Summer Game Fest with a lot of revelations about upcoming games, many are still not satisfied with the current state of the video game industry. In an interview last year, the official creator of Gears of War, Cliff Bleszinski, spoke about this and mentioned his influences for creating this franchise. He stated that the strategies currently seen from major companies are not to his liking.


Bleszinski is known for crafting the first three games in the series that elevated the company to prominence thanks to the success of the Xbox 360. Bleszinski discussed the current state of the video game industry, as well as the trend of companies attempting to create their own game-as-a-service. He also acknowledged the necessity of funding these large-scale productions but expressed a preference for nostalgia.

A Director Who Misses the PS2 Era, One of the Golden Ages of Gaming

The creator of the iconic saga said that it needs a reboot like God of War.
The creator of the iconic saga said that it needs a reboot like God of War.

Bleszinski also mentioned how the PlayStation 2 era, with games like God of War, greatly inspired him to create his own action saga. This director talked about how things were a bit easier back then, as there were not as many people to answer to and not as many profits to achieve; productions were on a smaller scale. Current games, on the other hand, require a massive budget and must be profitable to achieve even minimal success.

He also mentioned that he is not currently playing anything but is focusing on other businesses and finds more enjoyment in reading than anything else. He prefers going to a local comic bookstore and reading a decent comic rather than sitting down to play any of the current titles. Not only that, but he even says he learns more from reading, which inspires him to create his own comic works, of which he already has several, like Scrapper.


With Gears of War, one of the most notable things this gaming personality did was practically invent a style of gameplay. This title was one of the first to incorporate third-person action with the ability to use cover, which served to hide from bullets—something almost no other game had tried. Almost 20 years later, the saga is still outstanding and is now about to present a prequel, which quickly became one of the most anticipated games.

What are your thoughts on Cliffy B’s words? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 659

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.