Stand Proud Masashi Kishimoto: Naruto Will Always Have 1 Advantage Over One Piece and Dragon Ball That Already Makes it Superior

Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto has some of the top choreographies and stands atop other anime from its genre.

naruto, one piece, dragon ball


  • Masashi Kishimoto wrote Naruto in a way that it could be flawlessly adapted into battle scenes.
  • The action scenes are top-notch and barely have any competition.
  • However, people have decided to cheer on Dragon Ball and One Piece.
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Naruto made it into the Big Three of the Shonen anime. But did you ever wonder what were the contributing factors to make Naruto qualify for the position? Masashi Kishimoto’s dutiful contribution to Naruto made it stand apart.


Apart from the awesome story and iconic villains, Naruto also had something that is rare for Shonen anime. If you are an anime battle junkie then you would be able to identify Naruto‘s unique element right away.

Naruto Battles Have Superior Choreography from Masashi Kishimoto

Neji fights Naruto _ Naruto Fandom
Neji fights Naruto | Naruto Studio Pierrot

Any Shonen fan would agree that Naruto’s action choreography is one of a kind. While series like Dragon Ball and One Piece are also battle-oriented anime, they fall behind Naruto due to their choreography.


Naruto is famous for its incorporation of hand-to-hand combat in action scenes. Rather than depending on flashy sounds, lights, and special effects, Naruto was reliant on beautiful and genuine combat choreography.

Spoiler Alert!
Naruto spoilers ahead

Some of the best battles in Naruto include Naruto Vs. Sasuke, Obito Vs. Kakashi, Naruto Vs. Pain, Rock Le Vs. Gaara, and many more. What all of these battles have in common are fight scenes where characters are actually fighting like in action movies.

Killer Bee by Masashi Kishimoto
Killer Bee while fighting Sasuke | Studio Pierrot

There is no trick of the eye used and definitely no flashy lights have been used to hide the number of strikes or part of the choreography.


Naruto Vs Action Scenes in Other Shonen Anime

Both One Piece and Dragon Ball have accumulated complaints over the fact that they often have subpar animation quality. Yes, they are still dedicatedly made in studios, but they also have a lot of filler content to peel the eyes away from the actual action.

Zoro Vs King battle in One Piece was one of the most epic pieces of action ever made, however, it too had its loopholes. The battle has very less actual choreography involved. The battle was shown in cuts and bits with many light elements involved in it.

Of course, Naruto too has its fair share of such action scenes but most of its well known battles have been well-choreographed and leaves the audience with stunning scenes.

Rock Lee prepared to fight in Naruto Shippuden
Rock Lee prepared to fight in Naruto Shippuden

Dragon Ball, too, had an awesome hand-to-hand combat animation in its beginning stages, but once the Frieza Saga hit, it was toned down to involve more and more flashy content rather than choreographed moves.

Dragon Ball slowly moved away from martial arts scenes to incorporate Goku’s new transformations. Suddenly, energy balls, explosions, and beams were the main theme, unlike Goku’s training under Master Roshi.

While Naruto, too, has several jutsu techniques that could prove to be attention-catching, the director and the author never skimped on the hand animation.


Due to Dragon Ball‘s insane powerups it could have become hard to include more hand to hand combat techniques. The flight ability of the Saiyana d villains affect the series a lot.

You can read Naruto on Viz Media and watch the anime on Crunchyroll.


Written by Aaheli Pradhan

Articles Published: 200

Aaheli is an anime content writer at FandomeWire. With four years of experience under her belt, she is a living, breathing encyclopedia for anime and manga. She believes in living a slow life, surrounded by incomplete art projects and her beloved cat.