“What utility does it offer?”: Helldivers 2 Players are Fed up of a Pointless Stratagem That Works Better Against Bots Being Brought into Bug Missions

Players need to stop using this Stratagem against the bugs.

Helldivers 2 Bugs


  • A player on Helldivers 2 subreddit has pointed out that the A/M-12 Mortar Sentry is useless against the Terminid faction.
  • Since bugs have more fast-paced enemies, the Mortar Sentry is not able to target them.
  • The Mortar Sentry is more effective against the Automatons as they have slow-moving targets and turrets.
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Helldivers 2 provides players with plenty of unique Stratagems but some of these Stratagems will only work in certain situations or against certain enemies. Players often bring A/M-12 Mortar Sentry in battles against the Terminid faction and a player on Reddit has put a spotlight on this issue.

Helldivers 2 (via Arrowhead Game Studios)
Helldivers 2 (via Arrowhead Game Studios)

Undoubtedly, the Mortar Sentry is powerful but it is more effective against Automatons. Using it against the bugs makes things worse as the Terminid faction has more fast-paced enemies and since Mortar Sentry takes some time to land its shots, it is useless. Automatons have some slow-moving targets and the Mortar Sentry does an excellent job to take them down, so make sure you use this on Automaton missions rather than Terminid missions.

Helldivers 2 player asks the community to stop using Mortar Sentry on Terminid missions

Terminids in Helldivers 2 (via Arrowhead Game Studios)
Terminids in Helldivers 2 (via Arrowhead Game Studios)

A player on the r/Helldivers2 subreddit has asked the community to stop using A/M-12 Mortar Sentry on Terminid missions since it is useless against them. Since more Terminid units are fast-paced and are often close to a Helldiver on the battlefield, it is very common for the Mortar Sentry to target a teammate. In other cases, Mortar Sentry’s shells barely land on these fast-moving enemies.


Why do people bring the mortar against bugs?
byu/HoundDOgBlue inhelldivers2

The solution to this is to use a direct-fire sentry but make sure that you don’t stand on its line of fire as automatic sentries have a hard time distinguishing between enemies and friendlies. A better substitute is the EMS Mortar Sentry as it wouldn’t accidentally kill teammates.

The Mortar Sentry is better against the Automaton faction

Automatons in Helldivers 2 (via Arrowhead Game Studios)
Automatons in Helldivers 2 (via Arrowhead Game Studios)

On the other hand, Mortar Sentry is extremely useful against Automatons since many of their enemies are slow-moving such as the tanks and turrets, so it would make more sense to use this Stratagem against the bots.


There are many Stratagems that are effective against Terminids such as Arc Thrower, Railgun, Orbital Laser, Flamethrower, Shield generator, and Railcannon. A new Terminid unit is expected to appear on the battlefield soon: the Hive-Lords from the first Helldivers game. Players have also suggested that Arrowhead should add more electricity-based Stratagems to the game, something that will be very effective against the game’s third rumored faction, the Illuminate.


Written by Farhan Asif

Articles Published: 1150

With over 2 years of experience in content writing, Farhan Asif is a seasoned writer at FandomWire where he specializes in bringing the latest news and insights from the world of entertainment and gaming to readers around the world. With over 700 published articles for FandomWire, he has also written more than 750 articles for AnimatedTimes. Apart from this, he has a passion for coding and is pursuing a degree in computer science. During his free time, Farhan loves to play video games and hopes to create a video game of his own one day.