Is Arrowhead Drowning in Tasks? “No Incentive” Complaints Resurface for Helldivers 2 We Can All Relate To

Helldivers 2 has a currency problem that Arrowhead Game Studios has failed to address.

Helldivers 2


  • The Helldivers 2 community have come up with a unique solution for the resource capacity issue.
  • Arrowhead Game Studios still have a few areas in the game that needs more polishing.
  • Helldivers 2 players are optimistic about the developers hearing their pleas regarding the resource capacity.
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Helldivers 2 is a live-service game where players can spend hours grinding for rare loot and resources and have fun. Arrowhead Game Studios has struck gold with this project but could not iron out a few wrinkles that bother the gaming community to this day.


Grinding for loot and resources can be tedious and time-consuming but the reward is what makes it worth it. Unfortunately, the developers failed to comprehend the hours players have spent playing the game and are upset about their excess loot being wasted because of maxing out the capacity.

The Helldivers 2 Community Wants the Developers to Increase the Capacity for Resources

Players are optimistic about Arrowhead Game Studios increasing the resource capacity in Helldivers 2.
Players are optimistic about Arrowhead Game Studios increasing the resource capacity in Helldivers 2.

Resource and medal capacity are among the chief issues of Helldivers 2 and Arrowhead Game Studios still could not figure out a solution for this problem. It doesn’t matter if players are being tempted to purchase expensive items if the excess resources players spent hours collecting cannot be honored because of reaching the maximum capacity, fortunately, one player has a creative solution.


Players can also earn experience points to increase their in-game levels, the player suggests for the developers to gradually increase the resource capacity as they gain more levels. This method will encourage players to keep on playing to gain more space for resources and will be good on paper to keep the daily active player counts at an all-time high.

Other players came up with a suggestion to share the excess resources and for the community to vote on where it should be used. This idea was generated out of the core theme of the game which is all about democracy and it is wholesome to see the players put it into practice and look after those who are on the lower levels.

Arrowhead Game Studios Needs to Address the Resource Issue in Helldivers 2 Immediately

Reaching the maximum capacity can be frustrating sometimes in Helldivers 2.
Reaching the maximum capacity can be frustrating sometimes in Helldivers 2.

Perhaps the infinite throwing knives glitch can be somehow transformed into something more beneficial and less game-breaking. The developers need to understand where the player base is coming from and realize their experiences and opinions are valuable data that should be taken into account.


The idea for the storage space for resources to gradually increase as the player level gets higher is a productive suggestion that could encourage the players to keep on playing. The increase in capacity is far more rewarding than any other item players can earn in the game.

Perhaps Arrowhead Game Studios thought it would be best to implement certain resource capacities to avoid the players having an abundance of resources that are required for future content updates. Regardless, it wouldn’t hurt for the developers to make some tweaks and minor adjustments to satisfy the gaming community.

It doesn’t seem like a tall order to increase the capacity for resources even slightly to ensure all the hard work of the players is rendered useless. The developers should give the players the freedom to grind as much as they please.


What are your thoughts about the resource capacity in Helldivers 2? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 622

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.