Shadow of the Erdtree: A Rude Awakening – Is the First Boss Too Hard for the Average Elden Ring Player, or a Perfect Introduction?

If the start of the DLC is this tough, I don't want to think about the rest.

shadow of the erdtree, elden ring


  • The Blackgaol Knight is a challenging early boss in Shadow of the Erdtree.
  • He wields a massive sword, a repeating crossbow, and can heal himself.
  • The community is uniting to overcome this tough foe, sharing tips and strategies.
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With Shadow of the Erdtree finally out, there’s quiet but radiating chaos in the gaming community. People cannot stop talking about the DLC, but at the same time, many things are being kept hush-hush. Everyone’s too busy trying to explore or stay away from spoilers, and much is left unsaid.


There’s one thing everyone can agree on, however, and no one feels the need to be silent about it. If you were feeling over-leveled or overconfident going into the Land of Shadow, one of the earlier bosses is sure to give you a nice reality check.

Shadow of the Erdtree’s Blackgaol Knight Is Getting Everyone Good

A mighty foe stands in everyone's way right near the start of Shadow of the Erdtree.
A mighty foe stands in everyone’s way right near the start of Shadow of the Erdtree.

The new DLC brings a fresh wave of challenges to even the most seasoned players. Players anticipated the game’s difficulty to turn up a notch or two, but what they faced was beyond anything they had expected.

The very first boss…
byu/PM-Me-Your-Textures inEldenring

Almost everyone’s biggest issue so far seems to be the early boss tucked away in the Gravesite Plains: the Blackgaol Knight. He perfectly sets the tone for the rest of the DLC and is a harsh reminder of what Elden Ring is known for—unforgiving difficulty.

This knight is no ‘warm-up,’ he’s the whole deal. He wields a massive sword and a repeating crossbow that might remind you of Guts from Berserk (which wouldn’t be the first time Miyazaki paid homage to it).

byu/PM-Me-Your-Textures from discussion

The crossbow can inflict significant damage from a distance, and if that wasn’t bad enough, the Blackgaol Knight can heal himself, prolonging what could’ve been a short battle while testing players’ endurance and strategy.


The Community Embraces the Challenge, but Not Without Some Sass

The community is collectively suffering over this ghoulish enemy.
The community is collectively suffering over this ghoulish enemy.

Before Shadow of the Erdtree‘s release, one of the biggest concerns among the community was about being over-leveled for the new content. Many players were spending more time building their characters than touching grass, optimizing builds, and stockpiling resources in anticipation of the DLC.

It got to the point that many were concerned they would be overleved. Miyazaki thought of everything ahead of time though, ensuring people will face tough challenges no matter their level.

Blackgaol Knight
byu/RemnantHelmet inEldenring

The Blackgaol Knight is a painful but humbling experience, especially for those who dared to ask this question even once. It’s not just one, or two, or three people struggling with him, but many.

byu/PM-Me-Your-Textures from discussion

There’s a silver lining among all of this, however. A community that suffers together, and pushes through adversity together. There are already people helping their fellow Tarnished with tips on taking the Knight done.

If all of this hubbub is just for one of the earlier bosses of the Elden Ring DLC, none of us can imagine the commotion when most of the community reaches some of the tougher bosses.

Where are you at in your Shadow of the Erdtree journey? Feel free to tell us all about it in the comments below!


Written by Vibha Hegde

Articles Published: 344

Vibha is an avid gamer that has been in the content writing space for over three years. With a Bachelors in Computer Applications, Vibha chooses to explore their passion for pop culture and gaming. When not hunkered over a controller trying to beat the Demon of Hatred in Sekiro, you can find Vibha relaxing to jazz during a digital painting session.