“Probably Overwatch Players”: Valorant Players Have Grown Tired of the Same Dumb Question that They ‘Don’t Get’

Some players just don't get the strategic value of healers in Valorant.

valorant, overwatch


  • The belief that healers are merely crutches for poor play is flawed; they are crucial for strategic depth and team longevity in Valorant.
  • Healers like Sage and Skye contribute to aggressive plays and momentum maintenance, making them essential for optimal team performance.
  • Beyond healing, agents like Sage and Skye offer unique tactical options such as barriers and intel-gathering, enhancing team strategy.
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Do you ever roll your eyes when a teammate scoffs at the idea of picking a healer in Valorant? The constant debate about the necessity of healers in this fast-paced FPS game is a broken record. 


Some players, particularly those influenced by other games like Overwatch, fail to grasp the strategic depth that healers bring to Valorant. A recent Reddit post epitomizes this skepticism, questioning the necessity of healers and dismissing their value as mere “forgiveness” for bad play.

This perspective is fundamentally flawed. Healer agents are far from safety nets for poor performance; they are pivotal to a well-rounded, strategically robust team.


Healers Are More Than Crutches in Valorant

Valorant players know what HEalers are worth.
Valorant players know what Healers are worth.

The crux of this anti-healer discussion centers on the belief that asking for a healer implies an expectation of failure. The notion that healers are only there to “forgive” mistakes is a narrow view that fails to recognize their true value.

What do y’all think of players asking for a healer during agent select?
byu/brokebaritone inVALORANT

In Valorant, healers like Sage and Skye do much more than patch up health bars. Sage, with her ability to heal, resurrect, and deploy tactical barriers, offers a toolkit that can turn the tide of battle. Her resurrection ability can transform a dire situation into a comeback opportunity, providing a strategic lifeline that goes far beyond simple healing.


Skye, though not as prominent as Sage, brings her own set of valuable skills. Her healing, combined with her ability to gather intel and disrupt enemy plans, makes her a versatile asset. The strategic use of healing can be proactive, allowing teams to execute aggressive plays with the confidence that they can be sustained.

In team-based tactical shooters, balanced compositions are essential. Just as smokers block vision and initiators disrupt enemies, healers ensure the team’s endurance. The presence of a healer can also prevent a snowball effect where minor injuries accumulate, leading to a weakened team that can be easily overrun. 

Valorant’s high stakes matches where every hit point counts place the crucial role of healers. A well-timed healing or resurrection can be the difference between victory and defeat. Fans think that this is what some “Overwatch Players” do not seem to understand. Some players want a Western-themed season in Overwatch 2.


This discussion also overlooks the strategic versatility that healers offer. Sage and Skye are not just about healing; their abilities can be used in a variety of tactical scenarios. Sage’s barriers can block off critical pathways, delay enemy advances, and provide cover for teammates. 

Whereas Skye’s intel-gathering and crowd-control capabilities make her an invaluable asset in both offensive and defensive plays. Limiting these agents to their healing roles ignores their full potential and the strategic depth they add to the game. We believe that we need more healers in the game than there are.

So, The Unbeatable Truth?

If fan reactions are anything to go by, Healers are here to stay.
If fan reactions are anything to go by, Healers are here to stay.

The skepticism towards healer agents in Valorant is a bit misguided. Healers are not a crutch for poor play but a cornerstone of strategic success.


They ensure team longevity, enable aggressive plays, and offer unique abilities that can shift the balance of power in a match. The new Evori Dreamlike bundle has become the apple of everyone’s eyes in Valorant.

Dismissing their importance overlooks the nuanced contributions they make to a well-rounded team strategy. Valorant players who understand the game’s strategic depth recognize that Healers are indispensable. They are not just forgiveness for mistakes: they are a critical part of the winning formula.

What are your thoughts on Healers in Valorant? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


Written by Arkaneel Khan

Articles Published: 164

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The single biggest lie told all around is, "It isn't that simple." It is simple, everything is. And that is what I emulate in my writing. No unnecessary jargons and no flamboyant flourish. Just what's needed to get your imagination going. After all mind has no limit, unlike the written word.