“Already surpassed…”: Impressive Stat Shows Just How Much of a Sleeping Giant Nintendo Really Is in the Console Wars

One of the big three in gaming surprises with its numbers.



  • Nintendo reveals a surprising number that outperforms its rival companies.
  • The most recent broadcast from this Japanese company garnered significantly more views than the two events from both PlayStation and Xbox.
  • This proves that the competition remains very fierce and that the Big N competes in a totally different league.
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After a series of events marked by numerous revelations, including some disappointing ones, the period of significant news about video games has finally come to an end. A user on X compared the three major companies’ events, revealing surprising numbers.


The latest Nintendo Direct surpassed the Xbox Showcase and PlayStation’s State of Play by over 1,000,000 views, proving that the Japanese company is still in a completely different league compared to the rest of the companies. Despite the fact that there were no major revelations in the latest presentation from the Big N outside of Metroid Prime 4: Beyond, it still managed to excite a significant number of its followers.

The Latest Nintendo Direct Impresses with Its Views

The latest Nintendo Direct managed to surpass both the Xbox and PlayStation event in views.
The latest Nintendo Direct managed to surpass both the Xbox and PlayStation event in views.

The most important period of revelations in the video game industry has passed, leaving the hype through the roof in many aspects. Most of the big companies’ presentations left fans quite satisfied, eagerly anticipating the release of the announced titles.


Xbox had its Summer Games Showcase, PlayStation had its State of Play, and Nintendo had its Direct. Each of the big three had the opportunity to showcase what they had in store.

A user on X decided to compare these three events, and the results were quite surprising. It seems that a ton more people than expected were interested in what the Direct had to show, as it surpassed the other two events in views by more than a million.

Given that it was the most recent event of the three, Nintendo achieved higher view numbers in less time, proving how many active users it has.


Xbox and PlayStation Are Aware That They Have Fierce Competition

Fans are waiting for the next console reveal of Nintendo.
Fans are waiting for the next console reveal of Nintendo.

On June 18, the latest Nintendo Direct video garnered a total of over 5.3 million views. For its part, the Xbox event has received almost 4 million views since its launch. Lastly, PlayStation’s State of Play received over 1.8 million views in total.

Despite the fact that fans often watch individual trailers rather than the entire event, this comparison suggests Nintendo’s continued dominance in certain areas.

The comments on this post didn’t take long to appear, and many even posted the numbers presented by the Call of Duty event, which far surpass what these companies managed to achieve in their respective events. The event for the next Activision game garnered over 56 million views. The author of the post echoed this, stating that they were comparing companies in general, not a specific game.


Beyond the comparison, the latest Zelda game and the eagerly awaited Metroid Prime 4: Beyond were the only significant revelations. On the other hand, this Japanese company revealed that in May, it had managed to sell over 140 million Switch consoles, proving to exceed any kind of expectation.

The success of this company is indisputable. Many of its fans are eagerly waiting for the big reveal of their next console, which, according to several rumors, will arrive next year. How do you feel about these numbers? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 817

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.