Four Years After Release and Valorant is Still Missing an Online Staple that is Promoting Community Toxicity – Even Helldivers 2 Has It!

In fact, Helldivers 2 LAUNCHED with the feature.

valorant, helldivers 2


  • Four years after release, Valorant still lacks a vote-to-kick system to deal with toxic players and trolls.
  • Counter-Strike has had a vote-to-kick system since its inception, while even newer titles like Helldivers 2 launched with this feature.
  • The Valorant community is calling for change, but implementing a fair and effective system remains a challenge.
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Few things in online multiplayer gaming are as frustrating as being stuck in a match with a toxic player who seems hell-bent on ruining the experience for everyone else. For Valorant players, this frustration is all too familiar, as the game still lacks a crucial feature that has been a staple in online gaming for decades: a vote-to-kick system.


Despite being one of the most popular competitive shooters on the market, Valorant has yet to implement a way for players to remove toxic teammates from their matches. This glaring omission has left many players feeling helpless and frustrated, as they’re forced to endure round after round of griefing, trolling, and outright sabotage.

The Necessity of a Vote-Kick System in Valorant

Valorant has an unhealthy amount of toxic players. | Image Credit: Riot Games
Valorant has an unhealthy amount of toxic players. | Image Credit: Riot Games

The absence of a vote-to-kick system in Riot Games‘ highly successful FPS is made all the more apparent when compared to other titles in the genre. Counter-Strike, the game that inspired much of Valorant‘s design, has had a vote-to-kick feature since its early days.


Even newer titles like Helldivers 2 launched with the ability for lobby leaders to kick players who are trolling, going AFK, or simply not contributing to the team’s efforts in spreading intergalactic managed democracy. This tried-and-true system allows players to quickly remove toxic teammates, ensuring a better experience for all parties involved.

However, implementing a vote-to-kick system is also not without its challenges. Rainbow Six Siege, another popular tactical shooter, had initially featured a vote-to-kick system that Ubisoft eventually removed in a 2020 update due to its widespread misuse by toxic players and trolls.

This emphasizes the importance of a well-designed system that reduces the potential for abuse while still providing a means of dealing with disruptive players.


The Valorant Community’s Plea for Change

Now that Valorant is on consoles, an expansion in its playerbase is imminent. | Riot Games
With Valorant now available on consoles, the playerbase is expected to grow even further. | Image Credit: Valorant YouTube Channel

Many players feel that the current reporting system in Valorant is insufficient, as it often fails to address the immediate problem of a disruptive player holding the team hostage. This view has led to a growing call for the implementation of a vote-to-kick feature, which would allow the majority of a team (4:1) to remove a problematic player from the match.

One user, u/ccashcao, summed up the sentiment in a recent post on the official r/VALORANT subreddit:

However, some players worry that such a feature could be abused, leading to unfair kicks based on factors like age, gender, or even minor mistakes in gameplay.


As two players point out in a comment thread under the same post:

byu/ccashcao from discussion

Others argue that dealing with toxic players should be Riot’s responsibility, not the players’:

byu/ccashcao from discussion

Despite these concerns, many players feel that the benefits of a well-designed vote-to-kick system would outweigh the potential drawbacks. With Valorant entering its fifth year and its limited console beta now in full swing, the pressure is on Riot Games to address this long-standing issue and create a safer, more enjoyable environment for all players.


While such a feature may not be a perfect solution for a game like Valorant, it’s clear that players are desperate for more tools to deal with disruptive behavior in their matches.

What do you think about the potential implementation of a vote-to-kick system in the game? Would it help combat toxicity, or could it lead to more problems? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


Written by Soumyajit Mukherjee

Articles Published: 56

Soumyajit (ign: LockDown) is a die-hard PC gamer with a passion for competitive FPS games, having played Rainbow Six Siege at a competitive level in the past. For nearly two years, he has turned his love for gaming and writing into a profession, delivering the latest gaming news and guides to his readers. And when he is not writing or dominating the lobby in Call of Duty or Valorant, you can find him in theaters watching the latest comic book films or binge-watching anime and thriller flicks!