“Just bring Xbox to the Steam Deck at this point”: Xbox Could Be Missing the Most Obvious Collab of All After Amazon Announcement

The gamers always want more.

xbox, steam deck
Image by Zughy, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.


  • Xbox fans want more collaborations like the one with Amazon, and they started to suggest new ideas.
  • One of them is that Microsoft should bring Game Pass to Valve's portable console, the Steam Deck.
  • This particular idea makes a lot of sense due to the power of this portable console.
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Amazon and Xbox yesterday confirmed a collaboration to bring cloud technology and Game Pass to Fire TV devices, enabling gamers to play games on any television. Fans noticed this and started thinking about other beneficial collaborations for the company. 


Among these, one user proposed that Microsoft should bring its services to Valve’s Steam Deck, the portable console that is almost as powerful as any PC. This particular collaboration would make a lot of sense since it would be more than compatible with the hardware.

Xbox Fans Have Several Ideas on How to Expand the Brand

The Steam Deck
The Steam Deck will be a great place for the Xbox Game Pass. Image via Valve

Microsoft and Xbox continue to focus on expanding their brand beyond hardware sales. One of the main strategies is to make Game Pass increasingly popular on any compatible platform. The idea behind this service, which also offers the option of using cloud gaming, is that any player can access this game library anytime and anywhere.


The company is focusing on making this service available in more places. With this strategy in mind, they announced their collaboration with Amazon to bring this service to Fire TV, enabling players to pair their controller with the device and play any available title through the cloud.

Fans celebrated this and proposed new ideas to continue expanding the reach of this service.

One of these ideas is for Microsoft to also launch this service on Valve’s portable consoles, the Steam Deck.


This Service Should Already Be Compatible With Steam Deck

Xbox titles and hardware
Xbox is looking to new ways to expand. Image via Xbox.

This particular idea went viral on X, and many users started to weigh in on it. On the one hand, several responses say this hasn’t happened yet due to Linux’s limitations for this type of compatibility. On the other hand, there are users who say Valve has already shown interest in this.

But Microsoft has not yet given the green light to approve this collaboration and bring this service to the portable console. Despite this console success, Valve has not done a great job of promoting it in other countries. The Steam Deck is primarily available in major European countries and the United States, with limited availability in other countries.

The company that owns Steam should reconsider how to market this console because many users would like to try it but find it difficult to obtain. This has always been an issue with Gabe Newell’s strategy and lack of marketing.


There are other users who, despite loving this potential collaboration, are concerned that the company might only add the cloud gaming part and not allow full game downloads. Despite how well this cloud service works, it still has quite a bit of input lag for non-casual gamers.

Therefore, they desire the ability to download games for use on PCs or consoles. However, neither company has confirmed any of these fan-generated ideas.

What are your thoughts on this possible new collaboration? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 795

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.