Phil Spencer’s Xbox Salary is Boggling When Compared to the President of Nintendo

Meanwhile, 1900 people working on games were fired.

Phil Spencer and Xbox, Nintendo
Image by eVRydayVR, licensed under Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication, via Wikimedia Commons


  • Phil Spencer's yearly salary is making fans questions a lot of things.
  • This amount is much more compared to the money Nintendo's president makes.
  • There's little transparency about where this money comes from, or how it's used.
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The video game industry is a big one, with Nintendo and Microsoft being two of the biggest contributors. From consoles to exclusive games, these companies don’t hold back when it comes to innovation and big numbers.


However, a large portion of the money being made often goes to those higher up in the management hierarchy, and it’ll come as a surprise to many when you find out how much personalities like Phil Spencer and Shuntaro Furukawa make.

Nintendo and Xbox Speak in Large Numbers

Nintendo's Bowser character with flowers in hand.
Once the numbers are out, fans can start demanding better more from large corporations. Image Credit: Nintendo.

When we think of the industry’s highest-selling games, a few million come to mind. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has sold over 2.28 million copies in Japan alone, while Xbox Game Pass has over 34 million users subscribing to the gaming platform.


When you look at these staggering numbers, you’d want to believe that the profits get evenly distributed among those who make these games and services. Unfortunately, that would be far from the truth.

The reality is that Nintendo’s president Shuntaro Furukawa makes about $2.2 million in a year, while Xbox’s Phil Spencer earns an astounding estimate of $10 million a year. This information has been brought to light thanks to users like BasicalliLexi and Stealth40k on Twitter.

This also reads as disheartening news when you realize that 1900 people had to leave their jobs at Microsoft earlier this year. People are starting to wonder if Phil Spencer should truly be considered a “gamer” in the community or just someone higher up in the management chain who makes money, not games.


Money From or for Gaming?

Xbox Game Pass games with Series S console.
This is the information that makes you wonder where’s all that money coming from. Image Credit: Xbox.

Considering individual wealth and profits, there’s no reason to raise a question mark over what Phil Spencer chooses to do with that money. But it’s safe to assume that many players will wonder if it helps game developers in any way. After all, the company’s move from exclusivity has been a big step, and this may bring new studios to the limelight.

Well, we don’t know the exact salaries and related incentives for those working hard in hopes of developing some of our favorite digital experiences.

At the same time, Game Pass’ viability and potential are always shrouded in mystery. The community doesn’t know if studios truly profit from the platform, or even get to have a say in how resources are used for game development.


The transparency about salary and profit numbers can certainly raise a voice among gamers, though. If fans start asking tough questions and demanding actual reasons behind the increasing number of layoffs, maybe even Microsoft cannot hide from the truth for too long.

What are your thoughts on these numbers? Do you think the amount is justifiable? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 545

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.