“Space Marine 2 looks like it delivers on the same fantasy”: Helldivers 2’s Writing Could be on the Wall According to Fans

It's time to craft a more promising future for Super Earth.

helldivers 2, space marine 2


  • Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 might end up as competition for Helldivers 2.
  • Players are worried that Space Marine 2 will be the reason for Helldivers 2's downfall.
  • Arrowhead needs to keep the game interesting and fresh with better ideas.
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Helldivers 2 may be the perfect live-service title for many, but it’s certainly not immune to competition. As we wait for the arrival of Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2, fans are beginning to worry about Arrowhead’s game.


A player has pointed out how Helldivers 2 may be approaching its demise given the current state of the game and how the arrival of a highly anticipated title may kill the game’s future.

Similar Premise, Different Universes

Character shooting enemies in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2.
From narrative to gameplay perspectives, there’s a lot in common here. Image credit: Saber Interactive.

There’s an ongoing threat in the universe, and only humanity’s best and bravest can keep the peace. All of this is for the betterment of the future. And just like that, you have the narrative for two of the most popular franchises in gaming right now.


Whether it’s Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 or Helldivers 2, these games have much in common. However, this isn’t just the nicest though, because this could mean a lot of dangerous things for Helldivers 2.

Player WildCinder on Reddit has pointed out how the upcoming game can mess up things for Arrowhead’s live-service title. In its current state, Helldivers 2 isn’t showing much promise, and players have little to work towards.

Combine this sense of boredom with the anticipation for a game that can possibly replace this experience, and you have the recipe for a popular game’s failure.


The player writes about how the upcoming Warhammer 40k game builds on the promise and fantasy of Arrowhead’s original idea, but might just do it better. Fortunately (or unfortunately, for some), this holds true as most of the gameplay we’ve seen so far makes Space Marine 2 stand out as a unique sci-fi shooter.

How Can Helldivers 2 Stay Relevant?

Helldivers 2 player escaping enemies.
The game needs a lot of fresh ideas to stay relevant. Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios.

Game modes, better Warbonds, PvP, newer weapons and enemy types? The list can go on. Take one small look into the game’s subreddit and you’ll find endless ideas and theories for what the game can be.

On that note, Arrowhead’s creative lead Johan Pilestedt is super excited about the upcoming game. Does this mean anything for Helldivers 2? Only time will tell. It won’t be surprising to see a collab or references to the other franchise, but the game can certainly borrow ideas that might keep players’ interest.


The truth is that co-op is just a part of the upcoming Warhammer 40k game, while Helldivers 2 completely relies on it. This gives Arrowhead a tight space to explore its game design possibilities, whilst working hard to keep base game mechanics in place and balance updates constant.

If there’s something new or refreshing you’d like to see in the game, what would it be? Do you think Arrowhead can keep the game enjoyable in the long-run? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 548

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.