“Where someone has had enough of the Starborn…”: Todd Howard Needs to Sign 1 Player Up Straight Away With 1 Idea Far Better Than Starfield’s Shattered Space Could Hope to Be

"I tried this, but Bethesda made most of them unkillable."



  • Starfield fan has shared an idea of expansion focusing on anti-Starborn or anti-Unity people.
  • The fan thinks it would appeal more than the Shattered Space expansion.
  • The Shattered Space expansion is yet to get a launch date but will launch this fall.
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Bethesda’s Starfield was released was last year and while it was a good experience for many, some expected more. Players are now waiting for the game’s Shattered Space expansion that will bring new planets, weapons, quests, and more for players.


While the fans are excited for the expansion that will be coming this fall, one player has shared another idea for a possible DLC that could prove better than Shattered Space. It is so good that even Todd Howard would possibly give a thought about it.

Starfield Fan Has an Expansion Idea

Starfield character
Starfield players want an anti-Starborn expansion. Image via Bethesda

Reddit user ParagonFury took to the Starfield subreddit shared their idea of an Anti-Starborn/Anti-Unity expansion. They said that the expansion would be about someone who are done with “Starborn’s and Unity’s nonsense” and interfering in the multiverse and is now trying to stop them.


But it has a twist, they are not trying to stop them like a Emissary/Hunter but are hunting to kill all the Starborn and also want to destroy the artifacts and Unity access all across the multiverse. This is because they do not want anyone to use them ever again.

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community on Reddit

They said that this person could either be players or they can take the “opposite side” and they will need to track and hunt down that person before they achieve their plan. This idea does have some substance and could become an expansion if developers at Bethesda want.

Todd Howard has also said that there will be more expansions for the game after Shattered Space and that too for ‘hopefully a very long time.’ Maybe something like the idea from the fan could be one of the those expansions.


Several Players Agree That This Idea Could Work

Starfield in-game screenshot
The upcoming expansion is coming this fall. Image via Bethesda

The majority of the players on the subreddit have agreed to the player’s idea and have said that this could work really well. One player said, “I want nothing to do with the Armillary and would love to shoot it into the sun.” But they are not so sure that the devs would bring anything like this to the game.

They said that the developers pushed Unity “too hard” at the end and at the cost of NPC character development and consistency. They said that players are not allowed to have a proper ending where they can choose not be a part of something.

byu/ParagonFury from discussion

Another player who agreed with the idea said that they do not understand why Bethesda chose to go multiverse with the expansion. They said that this “complicated” multiple different endings and replayability and these are what Bethesda is known for.


Many others also agreed with their own understanding of the idea and how they want it to be implemented. However, at the end, it’s Bethesda who makes the decisions and players can only hope it sees this idea.

Would you like to see the anti-Unity expansion in Starfield? Let us know in the comments.


Written by Rohit Tiwari

Articles Published: 868

Rohit Tiwari is a Gaming Journalist and Editor at FandomWire. With a Master's degree in Mass Communication, Rohit combines academic insight with a passion for the games and the stories they tell. He is an ardent supporter of Real Madrid and when he's not busy playing games, you'll find him reading or idolizing the GOAT Cristiano Ronaldo.