“Was done to make the game harder”: 1 Change in 7 Days to Die 1.0 is Getting the Plaudits it Deserves, Although It Should Have Been Done Years Back Anyway

Is 7 Days to Die finally getting it right?

7 Days to Die


  • 7 Days to Die 1.0 Experimental version has increased the density and tankiness of zombies, particularly Feral zombies, as part of the balancing changes.
  • Players are reporting more Feral zombie encounters in areas where they were once a rarity, like the regular forest biome.
  • While some argue that this change should have been implemented years ago, many players are embracing the increased challenge and difficulty.
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After nearly 12 years in Steam Early Access purgatory, The Fun Pimps’ zombie survival sandbox game, 7 Days to Die, is finally gearing up for its long-awaited full release, version 1.0 set to go live by the end of this month. But for those eager to sink their teeth into the game’s latest iteration, the 1.0 Experimental version is already available in a public testing phase for Steam players.


As players dive into this early taste of what’s to come, one change has been turning heads and earning praise: the increased density and tankiness of zombies, particularly the dreaded Feral variety. While some might argue that this boost in difficulty should have been implemented years ago, it’s better late than never, right?

Feral Frenzy in 7 Days to Die 1.0

Screenshot of a group of Feral Zombie charging at the player holding a double-barrel shotgun in 7 Days to Die v1.0.
7 Days to Die‘s Feral Zombies are not for the faint of heart. | Image Credit: The Fun Pimps

The 7 Days to Die subreddit has been abuzz with players sharing their experiences in the 1.0 Experimental version, with many noting a significant uptick in Feral zombie encounters.


For the uninitiated, Feral zombies are the stuff of nightmares faster, stronger, and sporting an eerie orange glow in their eyes. They’re intended to be the entry point into the game’s mid to late-game challenges, and boy, are they making their presence known!

Feral zombies
byu/Keller739 in7daystodie

Players are reporting Feral run-ins in areas where they were once a rarity, like the regular forest biome:

byu/Keller739 from discussion

While the increased Feral presence might be causing some players to break out in a cold sweat, others are welcoming the increased challenge with open arms:

byu/Keller739 from discussion

If nothing else, the thought of the increase is terrifying enough.

Balancing Act: Tougher Zombies for a Tougher You

7 Days to Die 1.0 gameplay screenshot featuring a horde of special Soldier Zombies charging at the player.
Version 1.0 will have an even healthier dose of zombies. | Image Credit: The Fun Pimps

But the changes in 7 Days to Die 1.0 aren’t just about throwing more Ferals at players for the sake of it. The increased zombie density and difficulty are part of a larger balancing act, designed to compensate for the game’s new armor system — one of the top features in the full release:

byu/Keller739 from discussion

It’s a delicate dance buffing up the player’s defensive capabilities while also ensuring that the zombies remain a formidable threat.


And according to many players, The Fun Pimps have struck the right balance:

byu/Keller739 from discussion

Of course, some might argue that a ZOMBIE game having more ZOMBIES shouldn’t be a revolutionary concept. It’s the kind of change that, in an ideal world, would have been implemented many years ago. But hey, 7 Days to Die fans will take what they can get!

As the full release of v1.0 looms on the horizon, players are eager to face the challenges that lie ahead. With more Ferals roaming the wasteland and zombies that can take a beating, survival in Navezgane has never been more thrilling or more terrifying.


So, what do you think about the increased zombie density and difficulty in 7 Days to Die 1.0? Are you ready to face the Feral hordes, or will you be hiding in your base, clutching your double-barrel shotgun for dear life? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Soumyajit Mukherjee

Articles Published: 86

Soumyajit (ign: LockDown) is a die-hard PC gamer with a passion for competitive FPS games, having played Rainbow Six Siege at a competitive level in the past. For nearly two years, he has turned his love for gaming and writing into a profession, delivering the latest gaming news and guides to his readers. And when he is not writing or dominating the lobby in Call of Duty or Valorant, you can find him in theaters watching the latest comic book films or binge-watching anime and thriller flicks!