“What’s stopping FromSoft from adding…”: Elden Ring Fans Bring Up the 1 Addition Hidetaka Miyazaki Seems Set to Never Add

Given how it was there in Sekiro, fans wonder why it is absent in Elden Ring.

Elden Ring


  • Since the release of Elden Ring, many of the game's fans have asked FromSoftware to release a Boss Rush mode for the game.
  • The request comes in part due to the sheer scale of the game, which has affected its replayability for many.
  • Now that Shadow of the Erdtree is also out, the discussion seems to have reignited once more, as players wonder whether the mode could be added to the game in the future.
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Even two years since its release, Elden Ring continues to enamor its players with its world, combat, and lore. Some of it comes in part due to Shadow of the Erdtree, which has been a critical darling and one of the most challenging gaming experiences FromSoftware has ever produced.


Yet, despite all that the game brings to the table, a few fans of the game have remained disappointed due to the absence of one feature that FromSoftware has avoided in all their games except Sekiro. For a world as massive as Elden Ring, it’s the one thing that fans have begged for since the very beginning.

Elden Ring Fans Have Been Begging FromSoftware for a Boss Rush Mode Since the Game’s Release

A still from Elden Ring, featuring Shadow of the Erdtree's Furnace Golems.
It is an undeniable fact that a boss rush mode would enhance Elden Ring‘s core appeal exponentially – Image Credit: FromSoftware.

Ever since Shadow of the Erdtree finally dropped and humbled a lot of Elden Ring‘s player base with its difficulty, a significant portion of the community has seemingly started the discussion for the addition of a boss rush mode once more.


The discourse started two years ago when many realized that the game’s scope and structure had negatively affected its replay value compared to previous games in FromSoftware‘s portfolio. So, a boss rush mode would help avoid the downtime of traversing the open world again and again.

What’s stopping Fromsoft from adding a boss rush mode?
byu/cheukyi6 inEldenring

Keep in mind that FromSoft is no stranger to the game mode either, as the mode was first seen in Sekiro‘s Game of the Year edition. The mode was also well-implemented and received a ton of praise from fans, too.

Given their previous game’s success with the feature, it brings one to wonder why it hasn’t been implemented in Elden Ring in some shape or form.


Miyazaki and his team have a clear win in their hands here. Still, they continually refuse to go for it, and like some of their narrative choices with Shadow of the Erdtree, the why will most likely remain shrouded in mystery for all of eternity.

Boss Rush Has Been the Most Popular Mods for All FromSoftware Games Before Elden Ring

A still from Dark Souls 3, featuring a player facing off against the Demon Prince.
Boss Rush mods have been a part of the Souls community way before Elden Ring was even a concept – Image Credit: FromSoftware

Let us also not forget that way before Shadow of the Erdtree sparked so much debate within the gaming community, many within the Soulsborne community happily spent their time mastering the older bosses using the boss rush mods.

One of the most famous instances of this is the mod created for Dark Souls 3, which showed the perfect way of implementing such a game mode, turning it into a challenge run of sorts, something Sekiro also copied for its GOTY Edition.


These mods are a clear showcase of the community’s desire for more diverse gameplay options as a way to keep their favorite franchises alive for a little longer.

So, it would undoubtedly be awesome if FromSoftware actually listens and understands that it’s just a passing whim but a well-considered request that would only enhance their masterpiece.

With that said, what are your thoughts on that Reddit post? Would you like to see a boss rush mode implemented in Elden Ring soon? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Akshit Dangi

Articles Published: 104

Akshit is a (supposed) human being that lurks in different corners of the internet in search of fascinating rabbit holes. Outside of that, though, you'll most likely find him staring at a piece of art for days or completing another playthrough of Silent Hill.