“So glad to see the kids go into…”: Helldivers 2’s Super Earth Updates Citizens on Those Sick Kids We Saved, and It’s Surprisingly Wholesome

From warzones to campgrounds: Helldivers 2 players see their missions bloom into safe place for rescued youth.

Helldivers 2


  • Players of Helldivers 2 witness the results of their daring missions as rescued children find safety and happiness.
  • In a heartwarming update, Super Earth converts former battlegrounds into recreational campgrounds for youth scouts.
  • The Helldivers 2 community celebrates this milestone, reflecting that their actions also has positive impact.
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Helldivers 2 is always a chaotic and fast-paced game where players need to fight waves of enemies. Super Earth has been providing helldivers, their elite soldiers, with countless missions to liberate various planets and spread democracy all over the universe.


However, sometimes Super Earth takes some actions that show its compassionate side. After years of heroic missions and hard-fought victories against various aliens, in a recent update players finally have news about the fate of the young scouts they rescued.

Super Earth’s Wholesome Initiative in Helldivers 2

The image shows a players firing a turret in Helldivers 2
The new update from Super Earth in Helldivers 2 brought smiles to player’s faces. | Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

Helldivers 2‘s Super Earth is finally looking to stabilize and provide some support to its citizens. In this effort, they have announced the closure of several training facilities on Heeth and Angel’s Venture. The main focus of these changes aims towards Youth as they will finally have a safe place to enjoy.


These areas are usually in the front lines of defense but these are now going to be converted into campgrounds for Democratic Youth Scouts. This initiative from Super Earth aims not only to provide a safe upbringing for the young but also to provide a place for these youth to enjoy their young lives.

The decision comes as a relief to many players and citizens, who have helped these children from various traumatic and dramatic situations, from war-torn planets. After hearing the news, the whole community was very happy and also discussed how these decisions could lead to the future.

So glad to see the kids go into the youth scouts
byu/TheCheeseMarin3 inHelldivers


Some players are happy that youth are finally getting nurtured.

byu/TheCheeseMarin3 from discussion

While some are happy that they helped save these kids.


byu/TheCheeseMarin3 from discussion

Some are wishing these kids a happy future.

byu/TheCheeseMarin3 from discussion


These recreational campgrounds are the fruit of the labor which all the helldivers put into spreading democracy. This also highlights that there are now enough liberated planets and elite soldiers that Super Earth can finally make decisions like these.

Players Finally See the Impact of Their Efforts

An in-game screenshot of Helldivers 2.
Players are happy that their efforts are finally showing some results | Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

As players continue to find themselves in war and conflict, Helldivers 2 is offering a reminder that all these battles are worth participating in. This has become a beacon of hope, even in the darkest corners of the galaxy. Players can now take a sign of relief knowing that the children they saved won’t be lost to the harsh world.

This journey of Super Earth offers a glimpse into a brighter tomorrow. This is also a testament to the resilience of all the players and their power to actually liberate various planets. As the citizens bid farewell to these military outposts in Heeth and Angel’s Venture, they can welcome the laughter of the Youth Scouts.


In the end, the missions from Super Earth are not going to stop but players can rest assured that they are making a difference in the long run.

Which enemies do you hate the most in Helldivers 2 and why is it bugs? Tell us in the comment section below.


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 199

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.