“Someday it’ll be studied how Blizzard could fumble this…”: Overwatch 2 Leaderboard Proves the Devs Don’t Understand Its Own Game

Is Blizzard's mismanagement TANKING Overwatch 2's competitive integrity?

Overwatch 2


  • A recent post on social media has highlighted a glaring issue with Overwatch 2's Top 500 leaderboard.
  • Blizzard's decision to increase the number of wins required for Top 500 status from 25 to 50 in Season 6 has led to lower-ranked players appearing on the leaderboard.
  • Fans and players are questioning Blizzard's understanding of its own game, citing mismanagement and a decline in the game's competitive integrity since its heyday in 2016.
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In Overwatch 2, players are constantly grappling with the game’s balance, meta, and overall competitive experience. However, a recent post on X has highlighted a glaring issue with the game’s Top 500 leaderboard, which has left fans questioning whether Blizzard understands its own creation.


The post in question, a screenshot of a page from the Top 500 leaderboard, showcases a list of 10 players, all Tank mains, at rank Diamond 4 and below. While the original poster’s intention was to highlight the game’s dwindling player base and the Tank role’s unpopularity, fans have pointed out a more concerning issue: Blizzard has made some unnecessary changes that undermine the game’s competitiveness.

When “Above Average” Becomes Top Tier

Overwatch 2 screenshot of the message that appears in-game when a player advances to the Champion 1 rank.
Overwatch 2‘s leaderboard is in shambles. | Image Credit: Blizzard Entertainment

The tweet perfectly captures the absurdity of the situation, using sarcasm to drive home the point that the presence of Diamond rank players in the Top 500 leaderboard is a clear indication of the game’s declining player base and the notion that “no one wants to play Tank”:


The fact that Diamond rank players, considered above-average according to Overwatch 2′s competitive hierarchy, are appearing in the Top 500 leaderboard is astonishing for many.

With the newly introduced Champion rank sitting above Grandmaster, which in turn sits above Master and Diamond, players not even in the top three ranks are being recognized as some of the best in their region!

The root of this issue can be traced back to Season 6, when Blizzard increased the number of wins required to appear on the (once highly prestigious) Top 500 leaderboard from 25 to 50.


This change has led to a situation where lower-ranked players who have managed to grind out a large number of games and won at least 50 of them are earning the Top 500 title, while higher-ranked players who haven’t reached the 50-win threshold are missing out on their well-earned title.

So, even if you are a Champion or Grandmaster player (the highest echelons of competitive Overwatch 2) but haven’t won 50 games in the current season, a Diamond 5 player is better at the game than you, according to Blizzard.

The Thankless Job of Tanks in Overwatch 2

Image featuring Mauga, a tank hero in Overwatch 2.
Playing Tank in Overwatch 2 is not the greatest experience. | Image Credit: Blizzard Entertainment

The issues with the Top 500 leaderboard are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the problems plaguing Overwatch 2‘s competitive scene. The Tank role, in particular, has become a source of frustration for many players, with some even suggesting that Blizzard’s mismanagement has led to the role’s decline.


The shift from the 6v6 format to 5v5 in Overwatch 2 has placed an immense amount of pressure on tank players, making them feel more dependent on their team than ever before.

Without a second tank to cover their back, a single mistake can quickly turn into feeding the enemy team, resulting in quick defeats and the sole tank player being blamed for the loss.

Some players have even suggested that the 50-win requirement for Top 500 status feels more like a chore than an achievement, and that the two-week grace period at the start of each season should be removed entirely.


As Overwatch 2 continues to struggle with balancing issues, player retention, and now, the integrity of its competitive leaderboards, it’s becoming increasingly clear that Blizzard has lost touch with what made the game great in the first place. The once-shining beacon of the hero shooter genre has dimmed leaving fans to wonder if it will ever reclaim its former glory.

What’s your take on the current state of Overwatch 2’s competitive scene? Do you believe there is still hope for Blizzard’s 2016 Game of the Year? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


Written by Soumyajit Mukherjee

Articles Published: 86

Soumyajit (ign: LockDown) is a die-hard PC gamer with a passion for competitive FPS games, having played Rainbow Six Siege at a competitive level in the past. For nearly two years, he has turned his love for gaming and writing into a profession, delivering the latest gaming news and guides to his readers. And when he is not writing or dominating the lobby in Call of Duty or Valorant, you can find him in theaters watching the latest comic book films or binge-watching anime and thriller flicks!