“No there aren’t, where are they?”: Arrowhead’s Attempt at Immersion in Helldivers 2 is Beginning to Fall Flat as Fans Beg for the Dev to Show, Not Tell

Explosions and guns aren't all players want.

Helldivers 2


  • Players want to experience more of Helldivers 2's story.
  • After completing Major Orders players want to witness a change in the universe.
  • Arrowhead Game Studios has begun to delay its Warbonds for the sake of fixing issues with the game.
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It has been a relatively slow few days for Helldivers 2 after the recent Major Order to implode a planet was a success, leaving players with some rather minor orders to defend and capture specific planets to prevent the Terminid and Automatons from pushing toward Super Earth.


Even though these orders have been keeping players busy, there is one thing that many players have been begging for, and that is a visual confirmation that what they are doing is actually making a difference.

Arrowhead Game Studios Needs to Provide Some Visual Aids for Players to Feel Their Efforts Aren’t Wasted

Helldivers are planting a flag in a Terminid.
Helldivers 2 should provide more visual aids to tell its story. Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

Helldivers 2 has managed to tick many boxes that players have been begging for, like numerous locations to explore, dozens of weapons to use, jokes and chaos, and especially bombs.


But according to one Reddit user by the name of TheIPlayer, Arrowhead Game Studios has let players down in one section, and that is regarding the game’s story.

Arrowhead, either show me what you’re telling me, or it isn’t happening
byu/TheIPlayer inHelldivers

Even though players are able to witness the story through small cinematics and written instructions from Super Earth, there is one thing that it misses, and that is visual story telling.

When gamers play a game, they expect to see the results of their actions within the game they are playing. For example, when Helldivers 2 informs the community that there are now 4 SEAF training facilities on certain planets, it would be good to actually see these facilities in action.

byu/TheIPlayer from discussion

Understandably, in a game full of bullets and gore, it will be difficult to tell a story through scenery, but even a few more dead bodies, destroyed facilities, lore notes, or even random Super Earth troopers patrolling on occupied planets could make a major difference.

Helldivers 2 Still Has a Lot to Learn Before It Can Get Its Player-Base Back

Helldivers 2 cover art with the title.
Arrowhead Game Studios has learned from its mistakes so far, but there is still a long way to go. Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

Helldivers 2 has only been released for a few months, but it has already taken the gaming community by storm. However, it still has a long way to go before it can be uttered in the same breath as games like Fortnite, Destiny, and Call of Duty.

The games listed above have already managed to get a set pattern of content release to keep players engaged, whereas Helldivers 2 is still working on getting the right time frame to release new content like Warbonds.


Since there are still plenty of issues with the game, players have been begging Arrowhead Game Studios to take some time to fix the issues rather than releasing Warbonds constantly and causing more issues.

byu/TheIPlayer from discussion

Luckily, Arrowhead Game Studios have taken this request to heart and have now begun to delay the release of its future Warbonds to ensure players aren’t overwhelmed while also giving itself time to fix the current issues within the game.

What do you think about this Redditors comments regarding the visual aids in the game? Do you think Arrowhead Game Studios should focus more on telling the games story rather than releasing a constant feed of content? Let us know in the comments what you think!


Written by Liam Magee

Articles Published: 521

Liam is a writer who loves to spend his time gaming, streaming, playing board games, and just talking about games in general. He will play pretty much any game you put in front of him, but he absolutely loves soul-like games the most, or anything story-driven.