“You treated me like a complete equal”: Emily Blunt Dispelled the Most Disgusting Rumor About Anne Hathaway When the Internet Turned Against Her After Oscar Win

Emily Blunt and Anne Hathaway have always been close.

Emily Blunt, Anne Hathaway


  • The backlash that Anne Hathaway received after winning her Oscar was truly horrible.
  • The actress was seriously suffering and the world decided to kick her while she was already down.
  • Emily Blunt, however, knows exactly who Hathaway is at her core.
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Even though Anne Hathaway is one of the most beloved actresses of all time, controversy finds a way to affect everyone. While she has had a somewhat smooth career, it was at one of the highest points of her professional life that she almost lost it all. After winning her Oscar for Les Miserables, it was as though the entire world turned on her, and everyone began to hate her fundamentally.


All the hate stemmed from one assumption the world had made about her; Hathaway was not grateful for her win and therefore was a toxic figure. While the entire world was throwing stones at her windows, it seemed that one actress stood by her side through it all.

Emily Blunt will get her sweet revenge on Merilyn Streep
Emily Blunt and Anne Hathaway in The Devil Wears Prada I 20th Century Fox

Emily Blunt seems to always stand by the fact that Hathaway is one of the kindest people she has ever met.


Anne Hathaway Got a Lot of Backlash After Her Oscar Win

Soon after her Oscar win for Les Miserables, the internet, as a whole, began to rip apart Anne Hathaway. They believed her to be ungrateful, headstrong, and a toxic figure within the film industry, simply because she seemed off when she was getting her Oscar. While it is very easy to make assumptions about a person, it was only after years that the actress told the truth about what happened to her.

I felt very uncomfortable. I kind of lost my mind doing that movie and it hadn’t come back yet.

Anne Hathaway in Les Misérables | Universal Pictures
Anne Hathaway in Les Misérables | Universal Pictures

During an interview with The Guardian, she revealed that the character she played in the film she was winning an Oscar for fundamentally changed her. All of a sudden, she went from a woman part of the gilded world of Hollywood to a realist who had a rude awakening of just how privileged she was.

I had to stand up in front of people and feel something I don’t feel, which is uncomplicated happiness,

It’s an obvious thing, you win an Oscar and you’re supposed to be happy. I didn’t feel that way. I felt wrong that I was standing there in a gown that cost more than some people are going to see in their lifetime, and winning an award for portraying pain that still felt very much a part of our collective experience as human beings. I tried to pretend that I was happy and I got called out on it, big time. 

Anne Hathaway in Les Misérables [Credit Universal Pictures]
Anne Hathaway in Les Misérables | Universal Pictures
She knew that, in that moment, she should have felt happy. However, all she could muster up was a false smile. While she tried to show the world that she was fine and perfectly herself, everyone saw through the mask. Only, the world misread a woman who needed help as someone who was ungrateful and dense.


Emily Blunt Was Very Grateful To Anne Hathaway

While the entire world turned on Anne Hathaway after she won her Oscar, it would seem that Emily Blunt stood by her and knew exactly what type of person she was friends with. The pair have known each other for years, having had their first big hit together. It is safe to assume that after knowing each other for so long, they had a clear understanding of the kind of person the other was.

Anne Hathaway as Fantine
Anne Hathaway in Les Misérables | Universal Pictures

During an interview with Variety, Blunt looked back to her first days on the set of The Devil Wears Prada. While Hathaway was already getting her name out in the world, the English actress was still fairly unknown. Knowing this, many actors could have taken advantage of her and been very rude.

I was so green coming into that situation. And you were like the warmest embrace. Even though you were a colossal movie star at that time, you treated me like a complete equal. You are one of the people I’ve known longest. We’ve known each other for 18 years.

Anne Hathaway, Meryl Streep and Emily Blunt in Devil Wears Prada
Anne Hathaway, Meryl Streep, and Emily Blunt in Devil Wears Prada I 20th Century Fox

However, Blunt revealed that Hathaway was nothing but kind to her; treating the new actress as her equal, and becoming very close because of this. It would seem that this actor of kindness has stuck with Blunt throughout the years, and she cannot help but look back on their experiences fondly.


Written by Ananya Godboley

Articles Published: 1328

A poet and art enthusiast, Ananya Godboley is a striving academic who is pursuing a career in Criminal Psychology, currently doing an undergrad degree in Psychology. Passionate about History, Philosophy and Literature, she loves to learn about new and interesting subjects. A writer for FandomWire with over 1000 published articles, she adores all things superhero and Taylor Swift.