“It shouldn’t take you 80 levels…”: 5 Months On and Some Helldivers 2 Players Still Don’t Understand 1 Core Concept of the Game

These kinds of things ruin the gaming experience.

Helldivers 2


  • Some Helldivers 2 players are sick of having to deal with the same types of users who don't know how to play as a team.
  • In the Reddit community for this title, many players complain that other users don't know certain basic mechanics.
  • Many veteran players, tired of dealing with this, have their gaming experience ruined.
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More than 5 months after its release, Helldivers 2 remains one of the most popular games of the year. This title provides a unique multiplayer experience, in which it is almost mandatory to play as a team in order to complete the difficult missions players face. 


Beyond spreading democracy across the galaxy, one of the game’s main objectives is to collect samples in order to gain more experience once the mission ends. It appears that some members of the community are unaware of the shared experience gained from these samples, and there have been numerous reports of players failing to collaborate effectively, thereby hindering their chances of successfully extracting them.

To Play Helldivers 2, Learn to Play as a Team and Quickly

Helldivers 2 players still don't know certain basic features.
Helldivers 2 players still don’t know certain basic features. Image via Arrowhead Game Studios.

Helldivers 2 was one of the lower-profile releases this year, at least for PlayStation, and it surprised the entire industry with a resounding success, selling millions of copies.


This success created a massive community of players who are always willing to help each other overcome various challenges. But, as with any cooperative title, not all players are as collaborative with the team.

A user described their experience with the samples on Reddit, saying that a player clearly didn’t know how it worked. The story recounts how this player was killed by their team during a match, ruining their experience, and then was kicked from the game for no apparent reason.

Samples are shared ffs, it shouldn’t take you 80 levels to figure that out
byu/Kamikaze_Pigeon01 inHelldivers

This indicates that many players don’t know that the samples have shared experience, so it doesn’t matter who carries them.


Toxic Behaviors Ruin the Game for Everyone

Helldivers 2 toxic players are making the community very angry.
Helldivers 2 toxic players are making the community very angry. Image via Arrowhead Game Studios.

This user went on to say that this wasn’t the first time something like this had happened, and they were exhausted from encountering players who didn’t know how something as basic as the samples worked.

Once the samples reach the extraction vehicle, the whole team receives the experience, so it’s beneficial practice to leave the samples near the extraction point in case any team members die before reaching the ship.

Unfortunately, it appears that not all players are aware of this, leading them to act incorrectly and potentially harm their teammates by assuming they are stealing the samples.


Another reason is their inability to comprehend why the samples remain close to the extraction point, leading them to assume the player is inexperienced or merely making rookie errors. This user even considered uninstalling the game out of frustration at encountering this kind of player.

Even with all the service games currently available on the market, games like Helldivers 2 still fall victim to the average player’s toxicity. This issue appears unlikely to change in the industry, but it significantly detracts from many users’ enjoyment of the game.

The studio should look for a way to report these players for such issues. Other titles suffer a lot more from this kind of player behavior.


What are your thoughts on this user’s account? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 758

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.