“Playing Stellar Blade like Eve is a Dark Souls character”: 1 Player is Getting Unfairly Roasted for Their Approach to Boss Battles in ShiftUp’s Controversial Title

"1 attack every 7 business days."

Stellar Blade Eve


  • A Stellar Blade player's defensive playstyle during a boss fight has sparked a debate on the game's subreddit.
  • Many users criticized the player for treating Stellar Blade like a Soulslike game rather than a fast-paced action-adventure title.
  • Despite the numerous roasts, some also offered constructive advice on how to improve and better enjoy the game.
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Stellar Blade, ShiftUp’s massively popular PS5 exclusive, expects players to approach boss fights with the same level of aggression and style as the game’s protagonist, Eve. However, one player’s attempt to tackle these fights with a more cautious, Soulslike approach has sparked a heated debate on the Stellar Blade subreddit.


Meet u/cheetocat2021, a brave soul who dared to post a video of their fight against Abaddon, the game’s second boss, in an effort to prove that they’ve “made progress” in understanding Stellar Blade‘s mechanics.

A Soulslike Approach to Stellar Blade

A Stellar Blade screenshot showcasing the game's second boss, Abaddon striking a pose with its weapons.
The dos and don’ts of Stellar Blade. | Image Credit: Shift Up

One look at the video, and it’s clear what’s rubbing players the wrong way about cheetocat2021’s approach aside from the fact that they’ve completely turned off the in-game music:

I recently got roasted for how I play the boss battles, I think I’ve made progress on understanding the game. Am I not being strategic and defensive here? I recognise/intercept attacks, then get my own in. No button mashing, acting like it needs to end in one minute, played different jrpg music.
byu/cheetocat2021 instellarblade

The excessive use of the guard button and the lack of aggression throughout the fight have led many to compare their playstyle to that of a “Dark Souls” character dropped into the world of Stellar Blade:

byu/cheetocat2021 from discussion

Another user summed up the community’s collective feelings about the gameplay clip with the perfect GIF:

byu/cheetocat2021 from discussion

The problem, as many have pointed out, is that Stellar Blade‘s combat is designed to be fast-paced, more akin to Bayonetta or Devil May Cry than a methodical Soulslike. By holding block for extended periods and only attacking sparingly, cheetocat2021 is not only making the fight more tedious but also missing out on the game’s intended experience.


Some users even went as far as to suggest that cheetocat2021 should heed the advice of their previous critics:

byu/cheetocat2021 from discussion

Others couldn’t help but point out the irony of the post itself:

byu/cheetocat2021 from discussion

Stellar Blade‘s combat system is indeed designed to reward aggressive, stylish play, and by clinging to a defensive playstyle, you not only make the game harder for yourself but also miss out on the satisfying flow and rhythm that come with mastering the game’s mechanics.


Tough Love: Some Guidance Amid the Roasts

Stellar Blade screenshot featuring the game's protagonist, Eve.
Do a combo or something! | Image Credit: Shift Up

Despite the roasts and jabs, some Redditors took the time to offer cheetocat2021 some genuine advice and constructive criticism on how to improve their playstyle and better enjoy the game.

One user acknowledged that mastering the combat system in Shift Up‘s hit title takes time and practice, encouraging cheetocat2021 to keep at it and assuring them that they’ll eventually find their rhythm:

byu/cheetocat2021 from discussion

Another user offered more specific tips on how to approach boss fights in Stellar Blade, emphasizing the importance of parrying, dodging, and aggressive play when the opportunity arises.

byu/cheetocat2021 from discussion

What do you think about cheetocat2021’s approach to Stellar Blade‘s boss battles? Have you ever found yourself struggling to adapt to a game’s intended playstyle? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!


Written by Soumyajit Mukherjee

Articles Published: 86

Soumyajit (ign: LockDown) is a die-hard PC gamer with a passion for competitive FPS games, having played Rainbow Six Siege at a competitive level in the past. For nearly two years, he has turned his love for gaming and writing into a profession, delivering the latest gaming news and guides to his readers. And when he is not writing or dominating the lobby in Call of Duty or Valorant, you can find him in theaters watching the latest comic book films or binge-watching anime and thriller flicks!