“Hey Phil Spencer, seems like a pretty common issue…”: Xbox Players Plagued by Issue No-one Knows How to Fix, and Xbox Support Continue to Ignore

Xbox users' messages are getting flooded by spam, and it’s becoming a worrying issue!



  • Bots are filling several Xbox users' messages, and many have been reporting the issue to the Support team.
  • One X user shared a screenshot of their message center, with all recent conversations being from bots.
  • Replies to the post have stated they too are dealing with the same problem, indicating an issue Xbox needs to resolve quickly.
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Xbox users have been through the wringer when it comes to issues with their preferred console. From the controversy of not having rechargeable controllers to the Red Ring of Death, Microsoft’s gaming hardware has come a long way and is finally stable.


The same can’t be said for the user experience people face when connecting to the network. Given the wide range of experiences people can face through Xbox Online, it’s a given that people will run into some issues. But one that has been prevalent since the online service started is that of Xbox bots.

Xbox Users Ask Phil Spencer to Resolve Issues with Online Bots

A person holding up an Xbox controller while gaming in front of a screen.
Xbox users are being inundated with bot messages. | Credits: Unsplash

Bots are prevalent in every service connected to the internet. From messaging apps to emails, it’s nearly impossible to get away from these automated annoyances. People are not safe even on paid services such as Xbox Online or PlayStation Plus. It seems bots are adamant about getting your attention, and one X user has decided to show his experience on social media.


@OllieNorris posted a screenshot of their console’s message center, and it appears all of their recent conversations have been initiated by bots trying to likely scam the user. These messages typically have a link that will take the user to another page where they will be asked to input sensitive information.

Ollie has even tagged Xbox Support in his tweet, asking the service to help resolve the issues. The replies to the tweet reveal this is not an isolated incident, as one person states they have 1–2 such messages per week.

Another reply states they tend to get more messages while they are in a play session.


It seems there has been an uptick in these kinds of messages.

One user has taken it upon themselves to report each comment for child endangerment.

Despite many believing that Xbox’s subscription model for online services is one of the best in the market currently, issues like these are not a good look. It’s not possible to filter out all of the bots present on the service, but it should do its best to limit their numbers.


The Company Has Been Facing Repeated Criticism from Fans

The Xbox Series X on a green background.
Xbox console sales have been lagging behind competitors. | Credits: Unsplash

The past few months have been rocky, to say the least. Microsoft’s gaming division was already under scrutiny for falling behind its competitors. The decision to break exclusivity on certain titles and bring them to other platforms was met with a mixed reception, while the shutting down of several studios further incensed the user base.

Next came the decision to partner with Amazon and bring the Game Pass service to Fire TV devices. This was derided by the gaming community at large as it came at a time when competitors such as Nintendo and PlayStation were expected to reveal new hardware.

The recent Xbox Showcase did win some goodwill among the user base with reveals such as Gears of War: E-Day, but that is slated to release next year. Until then, the company needs to do some damage control to get back into its fans’ good graces.


How do you think the bot problem can be resolved? Let us know in the comments below!

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 372

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.