The First Descendant is Bringing Everyone Back to Gaming, Despite Its Problems

The First Descendant is letting players just have fun and shoot monsters.

the first descendant


  • The First Descendant has reignited the passion of many gamers, drawing them back into the world of looter shooters.
  • Players have shared how the game’s grind and mechanics give fulfilling experience that they didn't know they wanted.
  • This is reflected in the game's player count and its massive opening weekend.
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Nexon’s latest looter shooter, The First Descendant, has quickly gotten a huge player base since release. Despite its flaws, it has managed to draw in a large number of players who were yearning for a new, grind-heavy experience. 


Players have come forward to mention that their experience with the game has renewed their interest compared to playing other titles. Despite the game’s multiple flaws and criticisms, it has still gotten a lot of players hooked.

The First Descendant Had a Spectacular Launch That Renewed People’s Interest

The First Descendant cover picture.
The First Descendant has been off to a great start. | Image Credit: Nexon

Nexon‘s latest entry into the looter-shooter genre has been attracting a massive player base. The game’s launch was met with huge success, hitting an all-time peak of 264,860 concurrent players on Steam during its first weekend.

Thought I was having gamer block but I just needed a game like this lol
byu/PANCAKEPAP1 inTheFirstDescendant

Many players have expressed how The First Descendant rekindled their enthusiasm for gaming. Similar to their experiences with titles like Destiny and The Division, gamers are finding themselves drawn into its intricate systems and diverse content.

Some have even noted that the game’s flaws, such as the somewhat erratic mechanics and certain balancing issues, contribute to its charm, keeping them engaged and eager to overcome the hurdles.

byu/PANCAKEPAP1 from discussion

Currently, it maintains a daily average of around 100k+ players on PC alone. This doesn’t account for players on consoles, suggesting that the overall player count is much higher. The game is on multiple platforms, including PlayStation and Xbox, which has contributed to its growing popularity.

byu/PANCAKEPAP1 from discussion

One of the key factors contributing to The First Descendant‘s success is its free-to-play model. This has proven effective in attracting players before by other free-to-play games like Warframe and Destiny 2. These titles highlight the appeal of accessible, live-service looter shooters.

But What About the Game’s Success Past Launch?

The First Descendant character
What will Nexon do long-term with The First Descendant? | Image Credit: Nexon

Despite its success, The First Descendant is not without its flaws. Some players have noted issues with game stability, which seem to worsen with each patch. Others express frustration with the convoluted systems that require external resources, like wikis, to navigate effectively.

Additionally, the presence of microtransactions and other monetization tactics that are expected of a free-to-play game is a hindrance. However, the game’s ability to deliver consistent adrenaline rushes and a sense of progression keeps many players coming back for more.

byu/PANCAKEPAP1 from discussion

Its success serves as a reminder that even in a saturated market, there is always room for a game that keeps the gameplay loop simple. It does have flaws, a lot of them, but the base concept of the game itself has brought it great success.

Considering Nexon’s track record with previous games, there’s little hope for the game’s longevity. But still, its initial success is definitely proof of concept and has attracted tons of people.

Are you enjoying your time with The First Descendant? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Daniel Royte

Articles Published: 151

Daniel is a gamer through and through with a passion for gaming in his veins. His current adventures have taken him into the world of Elden Ring, Wuthering Waves, and Genshin Impact, amongst others.