“I was expecting a stiff or stilted…”: The First Descendant Gets Something Right Other Korean Games Usually Fail At, According to Fans

Despite its bugs, The First Descendant shines with fluid gameplay and exceptional English voice acting.

The First Descendant


  • The First Descendant has garnered attention for its fluid cooperative gameplay, drawing players into its immersive world.
  • Despite initial bugs and balancing issues, the game has sparked discussions about its standout feature: exceptional English voice acting.
  • Players are debating the game's potential, emphasizing both its compelling narrative and the need for developers to address ongoing issues.
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The First Descendant was released recently and has become a topic of conversation, as the title has managed to captivate players with its fluid cooperative gameplay.


Ever since its release the game has faced many issues with bugs, balancing, etc. which has created a negative bubble around it. However, one player has pointed out a feature where the game excels and beats most other Korean titles.

The First Descendant’s One Feature That Stands Out Amidst Issues

The First Descendant's Title Image.
The First Descendant fans are finally appreciating the work done by English VAs. | Image Credit: NEXON

In the gaming community, Korean games are widely known for their plain or stiff English voice acting, which can make any story feel lackluster. However, with the release of The First Descendant, the stereotype was avoided as it has defied that pattern and included great English voice acting.


The game has a decent story with the potential to capture a player’s heart with its plot points and depth. However, due to many issues, gamers don’t pay much attention to the story and ultimately aren’t talking about how good the English voice acting is.

This changed as a Reddit user, crookedparadigm, pointed out that the English voice acting in the game is very good and needs to be talked about.

The user knows that the game currently has issues but always debating about negative aspects doesn’t help them enjoy the game. This thread started a huge debate about the game’s story and English VAs.

I don’t see it talked about much, but does anyone else think the English VAs did a great job?
byu/crookedparadigm inTheFirstDescendant

Some agree and are happy to see VAs bringing life to the otherwise generic story.

byu/crookedparadigm from discussion

While others also agree but want more depth in the story.

byu/crookedparadigm from discussion

For some, it exceeded their expectation, and genuinely surprised.

byu/crookedparadigm from discussion

Players are highlighting that the VAs did their best to bring out the emotions in the story, making it more immersive. But it is now time for developers at NEXON to step up, showing that they care about the game and are committed to listening to player feedback.

Fans Want the Developers to Act Fast and Fix Various Issues

Image of an in-game cinematic screenshot from The First Descendant.
Developers need to quickly start working on fixing the major issues. | Image Credit: NEXON

To say that The First Descendant is flawless and doesn’t have any issues is far from the truth. But players need to realize that there is a benefit in constructive criticism. They can always point out the faults of the game, but it’s also worth acknowledging the good parts as well (even if there are only a few).

Players have been calling NEXON lazy and saying that they need to step up, but still, players have to appreciate the developer’s efforts in delivering an immersive experience.


In the end, gamers have to wait and see how much time the developers take to fix the major issues like character balancing and glitches in the game before they make a final decision.

Who is your favorite character in The First Descendant? Let us know in the comment section below.


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 199

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.