“How have you done this?”: Helldivers 2’s Newest Major Order is Being Treated Like the Cannon Fodder It Is

The only good bug is a dead bug!

Helldivers 2


  • Helldivers 2's latest Major Order tasks players with killing 100 million Terminids, a target the community swiftly achieved within hours.
  • The Helldivers 2 playerbase's efficiency in bug-slaying has led to speculation about Arrowhead's true intentions behind the seemingly easy mission.
  • Regardless of the developer's plans, the Helldivers 2 community remains ready for any challenge that comes their way.
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Helldivers 2 threw a curveball with its latest Major Order, and the community promptly responded with a resounding “Is that all you’ve got?” Arrowhead tasked players with a straightforward goal: exterminate upwards of 100 million Terminids within three days.


But it seems the developers greatly underestimated the Helldivers’ insatiable appetite for bug-slaying. Within mere hours of the Major Order’s release, the Helldivers 2 community had already made short work of the Terminid horde.

Helldivers 2 Players Are Born to Kill Bugs

A screenshot from the Helldivers 2 trailer shows a squad of four players shooting at targets off-camera, with the words "Galaxy's Elite" appearing in bold behind them.
Helldivers 2 devs must’ve missed a few zeroes on the latest MO. | Image Credit: PlayStation YouTube Channel

The Helldivers 2 community is no stranger to exterminating Terminids, having honed their skills and strategies over countless missions. Players have perfected the art of dispatching the insectoid menace with ruthless efficiency, capitalizing on the bugs’ tendency to attack in large swarms.


A well-placed Stratagem, such as the Eagle Airstrike, can wipe out dozens of Terminids in a single blow, drastically reducing the threat they pose. Similarly, weapons with high crowd-control potential, like the Flamethrower, excel at thinning out the bug ranks and buying precious breathing room for the team.

Guys we just started how have you done this?
byu/Hunter82_ inHelldivers

However, the ease with which the community has tackled the latest Major Order has surprised many, with players on the Helldivers 2 subreddit pointing out the apparent miscalculation on Arrowhead‘s part:

byu/Hunter82_ from discussion

It’s clear that the developers may not have fully grasped the efficiency with which Helldivers 2 players can dispatch the Terminid menace. As one Redditor aptly put it:

byu/Hunter82_ from discussion

For veteran Terminid slayers, this MO was just another day at the office:

byu/Hunter82_ from discussion

However, the community’s success against Terminids doesn’t mean that fighting these bugs is a cakewalk. While they may be easier to deal with than Automatons for some, letting the guard down for even a moment can allow the horde to close in and overwhelm even the most experienced Helldivers.

But Wait, What’s Arrowhead’s Endgame?

An image from Helldivers 2 shows a Super Earth soldier posing on top of a dead Terminid enemy, holding an assault rifle.
Wait, it was all bait? | Image Credit: PlayStation YouTube Channel

With the “Terminid Research Initiative (T.R.I.)” Major Order being completed so quickly, players are beginning to speculate about Arrowhead’s true intentions.


Some believe this mission was merely a bait, designed to give Helldivers a false sense of security before unleashing an even greater challenge:

byu/Hunter82_ from discussion

Others have proposed alternative scenarios, ranging from the plausible to the humorous:

byu/Hunter82_ from discussion

Regardless of the devs’ true motives, one thing is certain: the Helldivers 2 community is more than ready to face whatever challenges the developers throw their way.


These battle-hardened soldiers have proven time and again that they have what it takes to defend Super Earth and spread managed democracy across the galaxy.

So, Arrowhead, if you’re reading this, take note: if you want to truly test the mettle of the Helldivers 2 playerbase, you’ll need to bring more than just a few million bugs to the table.

What do you think about the latest Helldivers 2 Major Order? Was it too easy, or just a taste of things to come? Let us know in the comments below, and keep spreading that managed democracy one bug at a time!


Written by Soumyajit Mukherjee

Articles Published: 86

Soumyajit (ign: LockDown) is a die-hard PC gamer with a passion for competitive FPS games, having played Rainbow Six Siege at a competitive level in the past. For nearly two years, he has turned his love for gaming and writing into a profession, delivering the latest gaming news and guides to his readers. And when he is not writing or dominating the lobby in Call of Duty or Valorant, you can find him in theaters watching the latest comic book films or binge-watching anime and thriller flicks!