“Got Worse as Time Went On for No Reason”: 1 Mechanic in 7 Days to Die Needs a Serious Overhaul in the 1.0 Release

Character Creation System in 7 Days to Die: A Call for Overhaul.

7 Days to Die


  • Fans complain of a decline in character creation depth, urging for a revival.
  • Updates stripped away beloved customization options, leaving players disconnected from their avatars.
  • Community's growing demand for a more immersive and diverse character creation system in the upcoming updates.
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The character creation system in 7 Days to Die has seen a puzzling decline over the years. What was once a detailed and immersive experience has been stripped down, leaving fans longing for the old days.


There’s a growing demand to restore this one critical feature. And this is quite visible across the queries of the gaming community over social media sites.

The Need for an Overhaul in 7 Days to Die is Overwhelming

A portrait covered in blood from 7 Days to Die.
The character creation system in 7 Days to Die is seriously flawed. | Image credits: The Fun Pimps

The character creation system in 7 Days to Die has seen a notable decline since its peak in Alpha 13. Initially, players enjoyed extensive customization, including control over muscle groups and height, allowing for highly personalized characters. This detailed system was reduced starting in Alpha 14, limiting options to weight, muscle, hand and foot size, and a few other aspects. 


From Alpha 17 onwards, character appearances took a significant hit in realism, making customization feel lackluster and less immersive. The reduction in customization options stripped away a beloved aspect of the game, making characters look unrealistic and less engaging. Players are reporting that they feel 7 Days to Die has nerfed quests in its 1.0 release.

The character creation system’s decline is puzzling, especially given the community’s feedback. The intricate customization options were not just a superficial feature; they added a layer of personalization that players cherished.

Reducing these options seemed to go against the spirit of the game, which is about surviving in a world shaped by the player’s choices and actions. While character creation is not directly related to core gameplay mechanics like combat or crafting, its impact on the player experience is significant.

My 2 cents on how the game has changed over the years
byu/Irelia4Life in7daystodie

A well-designed character creation system enhances immersion, making players feel more invested in their avatars and, by extension, the game world. When players can see themselves reflected in their characters, it adds a layer of emotional investment that is hard to achieve otherwise.

An overhaul should focus on bringing back the detailed adjustments that allowed for a wide variety of body types and appearances. The system should be intuitive, offering a range of options without overwhelming the player. A lot of fans are not convinced with the 1.0 release of 7 Days to Die.

Bringing Back the Magic

Player hunting for an animal in 7 Days to Die.
Can The Fun Pimps get back on track after 7Days to Die 1.0 underperformed at release? | Image credits: The Fun Pimps

The character creation system in 7 Days to Die has the potential to be a standout feature once again. As the game moves towards its 1.0 release, addressing the decline in customization options should be a priority.


Realistic touches, such as natural-looking body proportions and dynamic adjustments, should be reintroduced. The customization should also account for diverse player preferences, allowing for realistic and fantastical character designs.

By restoring and enhancing this system, The Fun Pimps can ensure that players feel a deep connection to their avatars and the game world, enriching the overall experience.

What do you think of the character creation system in 7 Days to Die? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


Written by Arkaneel Khan

Articles Published: 177

I travel. I game. I write. In no strict order.

The single biggest lie told all around is, "It isn't that simple." It is simple, everything is. And that is what I emulate in my writing. No unnecessary jargons and no flamboyant flourish. Just what's needed to get your imagination going. After all mind has no limit, unlike the written word.