“The censorship is insane”: The First Descendant’s Lack of Clothing is Fine, But Instructions on How and Where to Shoot is Not Apparently

Microtransactions and chat censorship is holding The First Descendant back.

the first descendant


  • The First Descendant captivates players with its robust multiplayer mode, encouraging teamwork and rewarding grinding efforts.
  • Despite its strengths, the game faces backlash for microtransactions, unbalanced characters, and widespread chat censorship.
  • Players are vocal about improvements, urging developers like Nexon to address concerns swiftly.
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Ever since its recent release, The First Descendant has made quite a buzz in the gaming community. The game has a very good multiplayer mode which rewards players for grinding and teaming up with other players.


However, not everything is right about the game as it suffers from microtransactions, bad character balancing, and even bugs. Recently, one player found that they could not properly discuss the mission because of chat censorship.

Players Want The First Descendant to Set it’s Censorship Priority Straight

An in-game screenshot of The First Descendant.
Players are getting frustrated by the chat censorship in The First Descendant | Image Credit: NEXON

In The First Descendant, there are many characters for players to unlock and play around with. One of the best things about the game is that all these characters can be unlocked by grinding (collecting the required resources), making the player experience diverse.


All these characters also have their special skins which require microtransactions to unlock. However, not all skins are made the same as some can blur the line of censorship with a lack of clothing, to say the least. Players expect this type of variety in outfits, but one thing that is not acceptable is the censorship present in the chatting.

The game is taking a step backward with chat censorship by banning simple words such as shoot (in a looter-shooter game). One player found out this recently when they were trying to communicate to their teammate to “shoot the mouth” of the enemy but couldn’t because it is a banned word, resulting in frustration. This sparked a huge debate in the community.

The censorship in the chat is insane
byu/Galopa inTheFirstDescendant

Players are shocked that Nexon is dialing the censorship this high.

byu/Galopa from discussion

Some players are sharing other words that also can’t be typed in the chat.

byu/Galopa from discussion

Others are frustrated they can type some bad words but not simple words like LMAO.

byu/Galopa from discussion

Nexon needs to show it cares about the player experience and fix these issues. For players, sometimes small frustrating things like these make them not want to play the game then bigger ones.


Nexon Needs to Listen to Player Feedback and Make Changes

An in-game screenshot of The First Descendant.
Developers to need make the necessary changes as fast as possible. | Image Credit: NEXON

After the initial hype for The First Descendant, players are slowly but surely realizing that the game has many issues (bugs, balancing, and monetization). Nexon can also see that as the community is very vocal about it. This is the time for developers to step up and show the players that they are committed to making the better.

Nexon first step is to start listening to the player’s feedback and then start to bring the changes accordingly. This will not only bring some faith in the active players but also bring new players. If the developer is able to manage these difficult situations, it is almost certain that the game will be popular for years to come.

In the end, all players can do is wait and hope that necessary changes are brought to the game they adore and play every day.


Who is your favorite character in the game? Tell us in the comment section below.


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 199

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.