“The First Descendant doesn’t deserve…”: Harsh Opinions or Just Criticism? Players Can’t Wrap Their Heads Around 1 Part of the Release

It appears that people are judging this game too harshly.

the first descendant release


  • Various players of The First Descendant do not understand why part of the community is being so severe in judging this title.
  • Nexon's game has already received mixed reviews on platforms such as Steam.
  • Despite the fact that the title has presented numerous minor issues, it should not justify so much criticism from some users.
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Almost 15 days after its release, The First Descendant has garnered all kinds of reactions from players. Nexon’s development of this title has already revealed several functional issues and other details that some members of the community have viewed negatively. 


However, beyond this, the studio behind the title has confirmed that it has reached 10 million players. Even so, on its official Steam page, the title has mixed reviews and many negative comments from players. Some game users do not understand why these players are so harsh with the title.

Are Some Players Too Critical of the First Descendant?

The First Descendant facing a boss.
The First Descendant players are not sure why the community being too hard with this game. Image via Nexon.

In just a few days, Nexon’s free-to-play title has drawn numerous players, fostering a vibrant community. The users of The First Descendant mostly seem to be quite satisfied with everything this game has to offer in terms of third-person action and PvE confrontations.


This title has a rather well-developed story with original characters and many skill variations that improve the gameplay experience.

Many users in Reddit communities cannot understand why certain players are so harsh in criticizing this particular title. One user expressed their confusion over the game’s mixed reviews on platforms such as Steam and the intense criticism it receives on social media.

TFD doesn’t deserve a mixed rating on Steam
byu/RelentlessEscapism inTheFirstDescendant

One of the main points this user raises is that the game is free-to-play and should not be judged so harshly considering what it offers.


Nexon Could Be Responsible for So Many Negative Reviews

The First Descendant exploring the maps.
The First Descendant is free to play. Image via Nexon.

The user continued, arguing that players shouldn’t judge The First Descendant so harshly given its quality and free nature. Other users quickly responded to this post, reassuring the user that the game is doing well and that the negative reviews likely stem from Nexon’s poor reputation as a developer.

This user thinks the game deserves better treatment, especially because of all the content that it offers.

Another user continued to respond, stating that although the game has received mixed reviews on Steam, not all players are actively using this platform. The reality is that this can still affect the game’s reputation for future players who want to join.


In the past, there have been complaints about microtransactions being too aggressive and the game having some minor performance issues that do not impact the experience. Some players have even claimed that the game already contains hackers.

Part of the current state of the industry has a lot to do with how players do not hesitate for a second to start criticizing different games for the smallest detail. The First Descendant appears to be no exception, and many players have voiced complaints, no matter how minor they are.

Most titles have a very high bar, and if a studio has had bad experiences in the past, users will not forget this, which will probably be even more severe.


What do you think about the treatment of this game? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 758

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.