7 Creepiest Encounters in Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 has some creepy encounters, here's 7 of them!

redemption 2


  • Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the best games of last generation.
  • It features a deep world and great characters, including some truly horrendous and scary encounters.
  • When the game delves into horror, it is amazing, and really shows the diverse nature of the game.
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Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the best Western stories modern gaming has to offer. It is emotionally mature, has a highly engaging plot, and has brilliant action set pieces. Red Dead 2 takes players on an epic journey of redemption and self-sacrifice.


Arthur Morgan is widely known as one of gaming’s best protagonists. He’s a badass gunslinger with a heart of gold. But Rockstar’s epic isn’t always a Western fantasy brought to life; sometimes it’s downright horrifying, so here are the 7 creepiest encounters in Red Dead Redemption 2.

7. UFO Encounter

red dead 2 ufo encounter
The UFO descends from the sky filling the room with bright green light

Strange encounters have appeared in many popular video games, such as the crashed alien spacecraft in Fallout 4. Red Dead Redemption 2 has an encounter as well; if players travel to a church north of Emerald Ranch, they can find a strange site. The church is a mess, with creepy effigies and rotted corpses lying in beds.


On the mantle at the far end, there is a cryptic note that implies players should return at 2 a.m. Upon entering the church at the correct time, a green light will fill the building as a UFO has descended upon the site. Running outside, players will be able to watch as the ship lifts off into the heavens.

6. Nosferatu In Saint Denis

image depicting saint denis vampire in Red Dead Redemption 2
The player confronts the Saint Denis vampire. image credit: GamesRadar

In the dark and dank alleyways of Saint Denis in the south of the map, a strange creature can be encountered. After following a series of clues found throughout the city, Arthur can track down a killer who is convinced he is a vampire.

Players can speak with him and long story short, it leads to the vampire getting shot dead and Arthur getting a unique dagger.


5. The Aberdeen Pig Farm

image of the aberdeen siblings, Tammy and Bray
In Red Dead Redemption 2 The Aberdeen siblings are a pair of freaks.

North of Saint Denis, players will find Tammy Aberdeen and her brother Bray, farmers who live together on their deceased parents’ old farm. Upon meeting, they will invite Arthur in; the whole vibe is just off from the start. If players accept the invitation, they go in for dinner.

It’s revealed that the siblings got too much out of Game of Thrones, and then they knock Arthur out. He comes to a pit some distance from the house and is robbed of his money. The incestuous couple has plans to eat Arthur once he dies. Players can return to the house for revenge.

4. Sonny in The Swamp

image of sonny from rdr2, creepy swamp man
Sonny the Swamp Hill Billy in Red Dead Redemption 2, is one of the weirder encounters. Image Credit: Villains Wiki

In the Bayou region of the map, Arthur encounters yet another weird stranger at their home. This time it’s Sonny, a hillbilly living all alone. When Arthur approaches, he will be invited in for food. Upon entering the house, Arthur is immediately knocked unconscious.


What happens next has some pretty upsetting implications. A cutscene plays where Sonny makes a few comments about Arthur struggling and that they had “quite the tussle.” Arthur passes out again and wakes up abandoned in the swamp. This is definitely one of the weirdest encounters in Red Dead Redemption 2.

3. Murfree Country

murfree brood family photo
The disgusting Murfree Brood, located in the north west.
image Credit: Villains Wiki

In Red Dead Redemption 2, chapter 6, the gang travels to the north-western area of the map, where they encounter one of the most detestable foes the game has to offer. The Murfree Brood. This is a family of unfortunate-looking individuals who mostly prey on women, torturing them in their cave hideouts.

Arthur will usually first encounter them when he makes camp in the region. They will sneak up on your camp and make threats if they ever catch Arthur there again. The best course of action is to start blasting.


2. Serial Killer

serial killer crime scene found by the player in Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2 features a deadly serial killer, his crime scenes are brutal. image credit: stevivor

Hidden around the world, players can find various brutal crime scenes, entrails and body parts strung up from trees, and some words scrawled in blood. Each location has a clue to the next one; it is clear that a psychotic killer is roaming the country.

Find all the bodies, and Arthur can then find the killer himself in his hideout near Valentine. You can bring the killer into town and deliver him to the sheriff.

1. The Night Folk

image of two night folk members carrying a dead body
The Night Folk stalk the swamps in Red Dead Redemption 2, killing their victims.
image credit: red dead wiki

Travel through the bayou in the middle of the night, and Arthur is sure to run afoul of the terrifying Night Folk. A group of masked individuals dressed in skeletal body paint lay in wait for unsuspecting players. It is best to carry a lantern, as they can be hiding anywhere, and be ready to open fire.


But what do you think? What are some of the spookiest encounters you’ve had in Red Dead Redemption 2?


Written by Dustin.C

Articles Published: 32

Dustin is an avid gamer, comic book reader and movie lover. His interests include, Star Wars, DC and Marvel comics.