“Very cool, very useless, very patriotic”: Surprising No-one, Helldivers 2’s Viper Commandos Warbond Includes the Most Pointless Weapon in the Fight for Freedom

Arrowhead is on the verge of making something really special.



  • In the new Viper Commandos Warbond, players find the Knife cool but ultimately useless in missions.
  • Knives are somewhat useful against shield packs but need more utility.
  • Suggestions include making Knives retrievable, quieter, and automatic for melee attacks.
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Helldivers 2‘s latest Warbond had quite the controversial discourse even before they came out.


With a lot of people having had a chance to try out the Viper Commandos Warbond, has the consensus about it changed? It’s hard to say, with so many people focused on a specific ‘weapon’ that can only be called one very loosely.

Helldivers 2 Players Aren’t Fans of This One Weapon

An in-game screenshot of Helldivers 2.
Helldivers 2 has many great weapons, but this isn’t one of them. | Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

The new Warbond was an experiment for the developers behind Helldivers, Arrowhead Game Studios. In an extensive blog post, the studio mentioned that it had heard players’ feedback and wanted to release Warbonds with stronger themes and more thoughtful designs.


The Viper Commandos Warbond was its response to all of this feedback, and it’s been a while since it was released, so it’s time to check in with players and see what they think about it.

For the most part, people are quite happy with it. In the hands of a capable player, it can be a set of powerful tools to add to your arsenal.

So what’s the consensus on those by now?
byu/Kefeng inHelldivers

However, there’s one weapon from the Warbond that people just can’t seem to get over.


OP opened floodgates after asking for everyone’s opinion on the Knife, and the answers aren’t that great. While it looks pretty cool, unfortunately, that isn’t enough to pass missions.

Don’t Remove Knives, Rework Them Instead

An in-game screenshot of Helldivers 2.
Knives have potential, and Arrowhead can make them so much better. | Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

The Helldivers 2 community isn’t completely rejecting the idea of Knives in the game. After giving it a fair shot, many people have expressed that they don’t hate the idea, but it needs some reworking.

byu/Kefeng from discussion

One comment summarizes their thoughts on Knives pretty quickly. Very cool, very useless, and very patriotic. If the “useless” part was fixed, it might become a fan-favorite, or, at the very least, actually used in missions.

byu/Kefeng from discussion

A reply echoes a similar sentiment, explaining that they’re fun to use but not useful. They did figure out, however, that Knives go through shield packs, which is quite useful and could come in clutch in some niche scenarios.

The Illuminate, the Helldivers 1 faction that are rumored to be joining the war soon, relies on shield packs a ton. If that’s the case, Knives might shoot up in utility once they arrive.

byu/Kefeng from discussion

One player leaves some suggestions on how Knives could be improved. If they were retrievable, quieter, and could automatically change the player’s melee attack to a Knife if they were equipped, it would be a huge step in the right direction.


Considering how close the Arrowhead staff is to its community, there’s a chance they will see this feedback and consider it.

Are you happy with the Knives, and if you could change something about them, what would they be? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Vibha Hegde

Articles Published: 386

Vibha is an avid gamer that has been in the content writing space for over three years. With a Bachelors in Computer Applications, Vibha chooses to explore their passion for pop culture and gaming. When not hunkered over a controller trying to beat the Demon of Hatred in Sekiro, you can find Vibha relaxing to jazz during a digital painting session.