“I would lose my mind”: Starfield’s ‘DLC Tease’ Could Be Taking a Leaf From Fallout 4 and Upping the Ante of a Well-Loved Helldivers 2 Mechanic

You will be able to fight multiple Terrormorphs once the DLC arrives.

starfield, fallout 4, helldivers 2


  • From providing a more focused experience to featuring fewer loading screens, there are a lot of new features people expect to see in Starfield's upcoming DLC.
  • The newest among these features are Mechs, which have been teased just about everywhere in the base game.
  • Given the popularity of mechs in games like Helldivers 2, some wonder how Bethesda will iterate on the mechanics and presentation of the feature to fit the game's setting and make it different from other games.
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Starfield has been around for quite some time now, and most people have given their final verdict on the base game. While Bethesda clearly tried to innovate and ensure the game’s success, it ultimately fell flat and has since fallen into the abyss of being a strong “7 out of 10” game.


However, many expect things to change for the better once the game’s highly anticipated DLC, Shattered Space, rolls out. Adding to a growing list of promises from this yet-elusive DLC, some within the community are starting to believe that Bethesda may add the one feature that has been praised in both Fallout 4 and, more recently, Helldivers 2.

Starfield: Shattered Space May Introduce Automatron-Like Mechs Into the Game

A still from Starfield: Shattered Space's reveal trailer, featuring the landscape of Va'ruun'kai.
Expectations for Starfield’s upcoming DLC are high, with many hoping that it will save the game – Image Credit: Bethesda Games YT.

Starfield may not have been the perfect game fans were hoping it would be, with most of its troubles stemming from some poor game design choices. Now, though, the same feeling of hope can be felt for the game’s upcoming DLC, which many believe will redeem the game and showcase its true potential.


Interestingly, there has been a new development within the game’s community, with some now believing that Shattered Space will use all those mechs we spot in the base game, letting us ride them in the same fashion as Helldivers 2.

Opinion: All the non-functional mechs and vehicles in the game are a huge tease.
byu/TerminalHappiness inStarfield

To be honest, these mechs would be a pretty excellent addition to the game, and considering how Bethesda has had experience with them through Fallout 4‘s Automatron, they might just be able to pull off an even better version of it with the DLC.

byu/TerminalHappiness from discussion

At the same time, Bethesda’s silence on the DLC’s contents has made it difficult to ascertain many of its additions and features, making most discussions, at the end of the day, just wild speculation.


Starfield’s Upcoming DLC Will Need to Atone a Lot of the Base Game’s Sins

A still from the reveal trailer of Starfield: Shattered Space, highlighting the departure from the base game in terms of visuals.
Love it or hate it, none can deny that Starfield still has a lot of untapped potential waiting to be explored – Image Credit: Bethesda Games YT.

While flawed from Bethesda’s end, Starfield‘s game design shows how even a single new feature can absolutely change the way we look at it, showcasing its true potential.

Considering that, one can easily feel that Shattered Space may manage to save Bethesda’s reputation from the fire and breathe new life into the game.

From the small glimpse that we received, the expansion does look like a wild departure from the base game, almost flawlessly incorporating some medieval fantasy elements into a sci-fi adventure.


To be honest, the base game still needs a hefty makeover, and that will always be the hook that’ll draw new players to the game. So, whether these radical expansions will truly make a splash is still up in the air.

With that said, what’s your take on seeing a few good mechs in Shattered Space? Are you excited to jump into the expansion? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Akshit Dangi

Articles Published: 94

Akshit is a (supposed) human being that lurks in different corners of the internet in search of fascinating rabbit holes. Outside of that, though, you'll most likely find him staring at a piece of art for days or completing another playthrough of Silent Hill.