“Always thought of it as a reference to The Godfather”: 7 Days to Die Classic Item Still in the 1.0 Release that Brings All The Nostalgia

This title retains some elements from its previous versions.

7 days to die


  • 7 Days to Die is about to launch its version 1.0, but it retains certain details from earlier builds.
  • Players continue to find references, such as the famous hidden weapon in the toilet.
  • Many fans think this is a clear reference to The Godfather.
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Just days before the official release of version 1.0 of 7 Days to Die, players continue to discover things that were in previous versions of the game. This is a positive sign, as not everything in the game needed a complete overhaul, but rather certain parts could benefit from adjustments.


The secret weapon in bathrooms, specifically in the toilet, remains a constant reference. It appears that players will continue to find this weapon, which seems to be a clear reference to The Godfather.

7 Days to Die Retains Elements From Previous Versions for the Enjoyment of Fans

7 Days to Die zombies
7 Days to Die wastelands
An in-game screenshot of 7 Days to Die.
7 Days to Die in-game screenshot

The Fun Pimps are anticipating the release of version 1.0 of 7 Days to Die. This game has an exceptionally loyal community that is always aware of all the new additions since its launch in 2013.


Since then, the game has gone through various iterations. Luckily for veteran players, many of the details from previous versions remain. The game is implementing various changes, but fortunately, the essence remains.

Posts from the 7daystodie
community on Reddit

Some fans of this title, who play quite frequently, have continued to find several of the earlier references in this new version. For instance, players have been able to find a hidden weapon in the toilet for many years based on their character’s skills and search.

On Reddit, a player confirmed this by saying they found the weapon but had to make certain upgrades in the skills to find it.


A Clear Reference to the Godfather

7 Days to Die gameplay
7 Days to Die players keep encountering previous version reference. Image via The Fun Pimps

Many players were delighted to learn this and began discussing what it means for this weapon to be in a toilet. According to frequent 7 Days to Die players, this particular reference is based on the cult movie The Godfather.

The user who posted about this said they couldn’t find the weapon without having a point in Gunslinger for their character, but clearly, the studio kept this reference.

Numerous players seized the opportunity to comment on this reference and also brought up other instances they had observed in the game, such as the appearance of corn while picking up toilet paper.


These kinds of details make the community love a game and understand that the studio includes them in order to create a sense of belonging. Fortunately, everything indicates that version 1.0 has not changed these types of details.

The game’s studio has scheduled the release of 7 Days to Die on all platforms starting July 25 in its version 1.0, promising full playability and stability.

The game is leaving its early access version after more than 10 years, and now the community is expecting at least a graphical update to match the current times.


What do you think of this reference? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 774

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.