“It really feels like it’s only there to then sell us some other solution”: The First Descendant’s Unique Limitation to 1 Feature Isn’t a Good Look

It really is two steps baclward, one step forward with Nexon.

The First Descendant


  • The First Descendant, Nexon's latest foray into the looter shooter genre, has sparked considerable debate among players.
  • The game limits the number of items you can mark as favorite, which is essential for preventing the loss of valuable gear.
  • Players have been vocal about their dissatisfaction with this system on Reddit threads with many even providing solutions.
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Nexon’s The First Descendant has drawn attention not just for its gameplay, but also for its baffling design choices. Despite the game’s initial popularity, the restrictions on the number of items that can be favorited.


For a game centered on collecting and managing loot, this restriction feels counterintuitive, making inventory management a cumbersome task rather than an enjoyable aspect of gameplay. Players have taken to forums like Reddit to highlight how problematic this limitation is.

Nexon Can’t Catch a Break With the First Ascendant

An in-game screenshot of The First Descendant.
The First Descendant players are constantly finding new issues with the game. | Credit: Nexon

In a game where strategic planning and resource management are crucial, limiting players to around 40-50 favorited items is impractical. With 15 different characters each requiring specific reactors, weapons, and components, this limitation feels incredibly restrictive. 

The First Descendant after >200h my thoughts
byu/Julch inTheFirstDescendant

Players on Reddit have voiced their concerns about the item registration cap. For example, players want to carry extra reactors for alternate builds but find it challenging due to the favorite item limit. The current system forces players to manually unequip and re-equip reactors. 

The issue isn’t just about the number of favorites. The overall inventory management in The First Descendant is rough around the edges. Many players suggest that items like reactors should remain equipped to specific characters until manually removed.

Limit to Registered Items needs to be removed
byu/Nolifedie_ inTheFirstDescendant

This limitation seems even more absurd when considering the game’s broader mechanics and aspirations. The First Descendant‘s design borrows heavily from successful looter shooters like Destiny and Warframe, both of which offer more generous and user-friendly inventory systems. By contrast, Nexon’s approach feels like an unnecessary roadblock


Nexon Is Missing the Mark on Everything Else After Launch

An in-game screenshot of The First Descendant
Nexon’s approach to community feedback with shape the future of The First Descendant. | Image Credit: Nexon

The community’s backlash has been fierce, with many players urging Nexon to reconsider this design choice. Suggestions have ranged from removing the limit entirely to increasing the cap.

Important tip for those farming, marking their items as favorite
byu/Greetinqs inTheFirstDescendant

Some players have even speculated that this restriction is a strategic move to push microtransactions, prompting them to spend real money to alleviate fixable issues.

This is beyond annoying… please lift this restriction, it makes absolutely no sense and it really feels like it’s only there to then sell us some other solution.

Despite its popularity, with over 10 million players in just a week, The First Descendant has faced criticism for its resemblance to Destiny 2 and its heavy reliance on microtransactions.


Players have pointed out similarities in UI design and in-game icons, and there’s a growing concern over the game’s drop rates and grind mechanics. Nexon’s response to player feedback will be crucial in determining the game’s future.

Acknowledging and addressing these limitations could significantly improve player satisfaction and retention. The developer has promised changes to ease farming and grinding but these issues now add to the problems.

Are you currently playing The First Descendant? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Daniel Royte

Articles Published: 171

Daniel is a gamer through and through with a passion for gaming in his veins. His current adventures have taken him into the world of Elden Ring, Wuthering Waves, and Genshin Impact, amongst others.