“I would be all for it”: Marvel Rivals Needs to Copy DC and Marvel’s Spider-Man in 1 Decision That’d Make the Game a Phenomenon

Will Marvel Rivals take a page from DC's playbook and give fans what they want?

marvel rivals


  • Fans are calling for a tie-in comic series to expand upon Marvel Rivals' lore and characters.
  • Successful examples like Injustice and Marvel's Spider-Man demonstrate the potential of tie-in comics.
  • A comic series could provide valuable insight into the game's unique multiverse that is separate from any other Marvel media.
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As the hype for NetEase Games’ upcoming superhero team-based PvP shooterMarvel Rivals reaches a fever pitch, fans are already dreaming up more ways to immerse themselves in the game’s unique universe.


While the promise of epic multiplayer battles has everyone excited, there’s one thing that could take Marvel Rivals from a hit game to a true multimedia sensation: a tie-in comic series.

The Power of Tie-Ins


The idea of a Marvel Rivals comic might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s worth looking at the success stories that have come before. DC‘s Injustice series, which expanded upon the lore of the fighting game franchise, was a massive hit with fans, offering a glimpse into the characters’ motivations and the events that shaped the game’s alternate universe.

Tie in comic
byu/PrettyLyddie inmarvelrivals

And let’s not forget about Insomniac Games‘ beloved hit starring everyone’s favorite web-slinger, Marvel’s Spider-Man, which also received its own tie-in comic.

As one Reddit user pointed out, the precedent is certainly there:

byu/PrettyLyddie from discussion

Fans are clearly on board with the idea, with many expressing their enthusiasm for the potential of a dedicated comic series for the game:

byu/PrettyLyddie from discussion

Many Marvel fans also share the desire to learn more about the unique versions of beloved characters:

byu/PrettyLyddie from discussion

The positive response from the community highlights the potential of a Marvel Rivals comic series, as well as the hunger for more content set within the game’s unique multiverse.

Marvel Rivals’ Ripe-for-Exploration Multiverse

Marvel Rivals gameplay screenshot shows a match in action.
Marvel’s Rivals is shaping up to be a great time for hero shooter and Marvel fans alike. | Image Credit: Marvel Entertainment YouTube Channel

NetEase GamesMarvel Rivals takes place in its own unique multiverse, separate from any other Marvel media. This means that the developers have free rein to frame their own versions of beloved characters and explore new storylines without being bound by existing continuity.


The core premise of the game—a “merciless clash between tyrannical dictator Doctor Doom and his future counterpart from the year 2099“—is just begging to be fleshed out in a comic series. How did these two Dooms come to be? What led to the collision of their realities? And what role do the various heroes and villains play in this multiversal conflict?

A tie-in comic could provide answers to these questions and more, giving fans insights into the game’s lore and the motivations behind each character’s actions. It could also introduce new plot threads and character arcs that could be explored further in post-launch updates to the game.

As Marvel Rivals gears up for launch, the prospect of a dedicated tie-in comic series is an exciting one for fans eagerly awaiting the chance to immerse themselves in this new universe.


With the right creative team and a commitment to expanding upon the game’s lore, this could definitely be the key to unlocking the franchise’s full potential and creating a phenomenon that will be talked about for years to come!

What do you think about the idea of a Marvel Rivals tie-in comic? Would you be eager to dive deeper into the game’s unique multiverse, or do you think the focus should remain solely on the gameplay? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!


Written by Soumyajit Mukherjee

Articles Published: 89

Soumyajit (ign: LockDown) is a die-hard PC gamer with a passion for competitive FPS games, having played Rainbow Six Siege at a competitive level in the past. For nearly two years, he has turned his love for gaming and writing into a profession, delivering the latest gaming news and guides to his readers. And when he is not writing or dominating the lobby in Call of Duty or Valorant, you can find him in theaters watching the latest comic book films or binge-watching anime and thriller flicks!