“We can confirm that crossplay…”: Contradictory Discord Messages Aside, Space Marine 2’s Crossplay Finally Has an Answer Some Fans Won’t Like

Space Marine 2 drops on September 9th with crossplay.

Space Marine 2


  • Space Marine 2 will feature crossplay between PC and consoles, launching September 9th.
  • PC players may have the upper hand due to better controls, performance, and graphics.
  • Fans are somewhat split between excitement for crossplay vs. concerns over PC players’ advantages.
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With the release of Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 so close (September 9th), the anticipation for the game is really high. The game is set to redefine the franchise with its new features that will build on the Warhammer 40K universe’s rich lore and intense combat scenarios.


First, it was somewhat confirmed that the crossplay feature won’t be available, as told in a Discord message. However, Yann François, the Creative Producer, has now confirmed in an interview that it will be available in the game. This news can potentially divide the community.

Crossplay Confirmed for Space Marine 2

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 poster

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 is set to release on September 9th. With its known features like character customization, 6v6 PvP mode, and many more, players are super excited about the intense and fast-paced gameplay experience. However, one thing has been bugging them but after recent news, confusion about crossplay has finally been solved.


In an interview, Creative Director, Oliver Hollis-Leick, and Focus Entertainment’s Creative Producer, Yann François were discussing the game’s future and development process. During this when asked about the longevity of the game, François said:

We can confirm that crossplay will be developed and incorporated into the game. 

Hollis-Leick after hearing this from the creative producer responded with enthusiasm and said, “Great.”. Now that the person who is in a position of authority, Yann François, has confirmed that the feature crossplay, players can forget about the community manager’s offhand comments and expect a great crossplay experience with Space Marine 2.

Hearing this news has made many fans happy as they can now complete the campaign story with their friends or family. This feature will not only help close the gap between different gaming communities but will also offer a more inclusive and unified player experience.


Crossplay Has Its Own Positives and Negatives

The image shows an cinematic pciture of marine in Space Marine 2.
Players have mixed reactions to the confirmation news about crossplay in Space Marine 2. | Image Credit: Saber Interactive

The confirmation of crossplay in Space Marine 2 is a great piece of information for those who like to team up with friends or family regardless of their preferred gaming console or PC. However, for the competitive players who prefer consoles over PCs, this information might seem like a concern as they will be fighting an uphill battle from the start.

In most multiplayer games, it is somewhat expected that crossplay between PC and consoles tends to favor PC players more for several reasons like performance, aim precision, and graphics (better FPS) capability. Due to this, the news about crossplay has raised mixed reactions from the community as some (mostly console players) are worried that it will hinder their experience.

As the release date for the game is approaching, the details about the game are becoming more and more clear, making the player’s excitement reach new highs. The concern for PC’s inherent crossplay benefit is there in some player’s minds but many are excited to play together with a larger player base.


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Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 216

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.