“Don’t worry, Hogwarts Legacy got more hate”: Devout Assassin’s Creed Shadows Fans Point Out the Unnerving Similarity with 2023’s Most Controversial Game

If previous controversies are anything to go by, Assassin’s Creed Shadows will be fine!

Hogwarts Legacy and Assassins's Creed Shadows


  • Some fans have been worried about Assassin’s Creed Shadows' reception due to its many controversies.
  • One fan has stated that the game will be fine, citing the example of Hogwarts Legacy.
  • Hogwarts Legacy was massively critiqued due to the divisive comments of J.K. Rowling, but went on to become a successful title.
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Assassin’s Creed Shadows has been in the news ever since its launch, and not for the best reasons. When people got their first look at Yasuke, many gamers were annoyed at what they considered heavy-handed DEI brought about by companies such as Sweet Baby Inc.


Since then, several other issues have also cropped up that have led some fans to wonder if the game will be dead at launch. However, it’s not the only game to receive severe backlash, with one prominent title winning several accolades despite heavy criticism!

Assassin’s Creed Shadows Could Learn from Hogwarts Legacy’s Success


The gaming sector has been rife with controversy. From the objectionable content in the GTA series to the questionable marketing tactics for Dante’s Inferno, games have faced their fair share of backlash. However, with the advent of social media, the discourse has climbed to new heights and is on 24×7.


Yasuke’s inclusion in Assassin’s Creed Shadows was going to stir the pot. The reveal worked synergistically with the Sweet Baby Inc. incident, getting even popular media personalities to weigh in. As with everything on the internet, this protest also spawned a petition that accused Assassin’s Creed Shadows of disrespecting Japanese culture.

While this may seem worrying to some fans looking forward to the game, one Redditor has shown why their fears may be unnecessary. u/7Armand7 states that people need not worry, as Hogwarts Legacy had far more signatures and went on to not only release but win several awards! If J.K. Rowling’s divisive statements are not enough to ensure a game is “canceled,” a bit of diversity shouldn’t have much of an effect either.

One commenter echoes the sentiment, stating Ubisoft titles have a long history with petitions.


Petitions such as these rarely, if ever, lead to any substantive effect in the real world. But Ubisoft does have to offer some explanation for people’s claims that the company stole designs from One Piece for its recent merchandise showcase at the Japan Expo in Paris.

Public Sentiment Might Be Shifting in Favor of Ubisoft

Naoe and Yasuke from Assassin's Creed Shadows engaging in combat from both sides.
The Assassin’s Creed Shadows controversies may be going away. | Credits: Ubisoft

It seems the fire that fueled much of this discourse is starting to dissipate as people come to grips with the fact that Ubisoft is sticking to its guns. Some are even stating that it’s a bit silly to assume Yasuke was historically a samurai or not, as every game is fictional. After all, we have divine objects and communion with gods, so why not an African samurai in Japan?

The fans’ attention is now turning towards what they expect from the game. One of the major aspects many want to see return is a fight against the Templars, but in a manner that offers a fresh narrative experience. With all the work put into the game’s technical aspects, it needs to be supported with a solid campaign.


Ubisoft has recently come forward and issued an apology, but it may not be what people expect. The company used some photos in Assassin’s Creed Shadows concept art that it did not have permission to use. This highlighted how the company needs to do better research before publishing things.

What are your thoughts on the game’s controversies? Let us know in the comments below!

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 355

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.