“Finally…”: Call of Duty Season 5 Reloaded Leaked Operator Gives Us a Bill Skarsgard Skin We’ll All Be Using

The Call of Duty community is delighted to see one highly-requested skin likely make its way to Season 5 Reloaded.

call of duty-bill skarsgard


  • New leaks suggest that Bill's Skarsgard's The Crow will be an operator skin for Call of Duty Season 5 Reloaded.
  • Activision needs to focus more on gameplay and decrease the efforts with cosmetic items in Call of Duty.
  • Call of Duty Season 5 Reloaded is scheduled to drop by the end of the month and fans are already gearing up.
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Call of Duty fans have been playing the online multiplayer feature for months and are ready to see anything new. Regardless of cosmetic items or mission variety, the gaming community is optimistic that the developers will deliver a satisfying experience and recent leaks might solidify that.


The gaming community has become competitive and will do anything to stand out in matches. Skins can help them become more notorious and noticeable, however, there is one character that the community has been begging for and it seems those days are numbered before Season 5 Reloaded rolls up.

Call of Duty Season 5 Reloaded Could Likely Feature a Special Operator Skin


Activision did an impressive job capitalizing on multiplayer and the fans have different opinions about certain aspects like cosmetic pieces. Some fans are optimistic that the developers of the upcoming game will include a feature to disable all cosmetic items in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 multiplayer lobbies.


However, some skins mean much to the people and the gaming community is excited to see Bill Skarsgard as a potential operator skin in Season 5 Reloaded. There is a strong likelihood that players will be able to get their hands on this new cosmetic item sooner rather than later.

There is no solid proof other than the silhouette of a character model that appears to bear similar characteristics. Perhaps the developers have grown tired of the constant demand from the fans and decided to offer it as fast as they can and the initial reactions are somewhat positive.

Not everyone was a fan of crossover skins and hoped the developers would end this trend. Some skins are too ridiculous for an online competitive game and will break the immersion rather than enhance it, and will be used as bragging rights for toxic players to flex in between games.


There is a fine line between fan service and overloading a game with skins that are out of place. Activision must avoid losing sight of the bigger picture and focus on the community rather than making money from these massive collaborations.

Activision Can Feature Weird and Ambitious Call of Duty Skins Without Breaking Immersion

Skins and other cosmetic items are slowly ruining the Call of Duty experience.
Skins and other cosmetic items are slowly ruining the Call of Duty experience. Image Credit: Activision

The franchise used to be about experiencing the horrors of modern warfare on the frontlines in a safe environment but has deviated too far with modern gaming trends instead. Skins are not the only aspect that was affected, the efficiency of snipers has been overlooked for too long and needs to be fixed for an accurate experience.

Skins have plagued the multiplayer structure but some deserve to be acknowledged. The Crow has been a fan-favorite for a while and it is a perfect gift from the developers to the community.


Perhaps the developers’ priorities will shift after realizing how cosmetic skins negatively affect the experience. Hopefully, they will learn to focus on other pressing matters like the narrative and gameplay of future entries.

Season 5 Reloaded is expected to drop later this month and fans have high expectations. Activision can give the community what they ask for without going too far.

Are you excited for the future of Call of Duty? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 722

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.