Suicide Squad Isekai Episode 6 Review – Flamboyant as Heck But at a Cost

Suicide Squad Isekai ups the stakes for the people who thought they had nothing to lose but their own heads.

Suicide Squad Isekai


  • Suicide Squad Isekai has been slow but the latest episode is changing that.
  • They finally face off against the Thinker and Enchantress, only to find themselves defeated brutally.
  • Fione takes a step for the betterment of her kingdom.
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This article contains spoilers for Suicide Squad Isekai.

Suicide Squad Isekai has found itself in a rather complicated position with the underwhelming episodes that came about in the previous weeks. However, the latest episode may be working towards turning things around. The ending of the fifth episode set up a clash between the Suicide Squad, the Thinker, and the Enchantress.

Suicide Squad Isekai
Harley in Suicide Squad Isekai | Credit: WIT Studio

While the animation had surprisingly and unfortunately declined during the previous few episodes, that seemed to have changed with the 6th. It would also seem that finally, WIT Studio has buckled up for the second half of the season with the team increasing the stakes drastically. It is no longer about the bombs in their necks but about the people they care about back in their own world.

Suicide Squad Isekai Sets Up its Second Half

Just as the 5th episode ended, Suicide Squad Isekai’s 6th episode has the protagonists fighting for their own people. The ogres find themselves at the mercy of the Enchantress and the Thinker, alongside the army of elves they have under their control. The ogre Harley calls Beanstalk gives her one last smile before being beheaded. This becomes the wake-up call for the entire squad and they jump right into action.

Enchantress | Credit: WIT Studio

Immediately they find themselves outnumbered and unable to fight without getting their own faces bashed. The pacing still felt a little wacky but the animation improved drastically in this episode. The battle itself was visually fun to watch with the Enchantress having a more macro control over the situation as the Thinker kept the elves under his binds.

The Thinker gets in everyone’s heads except for Harley and Rick Flag, who have their own problems to take care of. It is a stunning reminder of all that is awaiting them in the world that they had chosen to bury deep within themselves.

In Evil, There is Kindness

Throughout the series so far, it has been about all that makes the Suicide Squad so chaotic and evil. They are beings of chaos brewed in their own worlds and twisted realities. What they needed was a reality check, one that the Thinker very kindly provided for them. They all find themselves brutally defeated but one thing comes to light, there is more to the story than meets the eye.

Harley and Enchantress | Credit: WIT Studio

Harley and the Enchantress face off against each other and there they get to talking. The former asks about her alliances and why she is fighting against people she doesn’t like with people she doesn’t like either. Upon having King Shark, Clayface, Peacemaker, and Deadshot brutally defeated; Harley and Rick Flag dread under the impression that only the two and Nanaue actually managed to survive.

However, much to their surprise, they were not fatally hit. Moreover, a green glow seemed to have nerfed the bullets right before they could do worse damage. It was a clear indication of the Enchantress’s divided allegiance.

What is to Fight for and to Live for

Their defeat obviously catches them off guard, worse so with them being put back in prison when all they were trying to do was help. The Queen even goes forward in ordering their execution and this becomes the first time when Fione decides to take a stand for those who are wronged, including herself.

Fione | Credit: WIT Studio

She and Cecil plan on helping the group escape after the princess admits to herself that her mother may not even be interested in the war’s end. It is then that the duo brings forward the idea for the squad that a world awaits them with people who genuinely care for them. It may not be their fight but they have undoubtedly become a part of it.

Fione’s past is when I found myself feeling for the girl. For someone who only wanted to help and be there for her friends, she had seen suffering all around her. It was a world of hatred and cruelty with her own friends becoming victims. It was known that she lost someone in her past but for it to be blamed on a girl of such a tender age was unfair.

A scene from Suicide Squad Isekai | Credit: WIT Studio

The divide between the royalty and the villagers grows bigger and bigger with the rich becoming richer. It was realistic, to say the least, and for an innocent child who only wanted to be good for her people to take the blame was unfair and melancholic. Determined to finally do the right thing, Fione frees the Suicide Squad for her own people.


Rating: 7.5/10

Suicide Squad Isekai is available to watch on Max.

Adya Godboley

Written by Adya Godboley

Articles Published: 1610

An avid writer fluent in everything Marvel, Adya Godboley is an Assistant Anime Content Lead for FandomWire. She has rich experience in critically analyzing all that is said in between the lines. Hopelessly obsessed with Greek Mythology, she is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in English. Adya has written over 1400 articles on various topics expressing her passion and love for all things entertainment, from superheroes to anime and the occasional gacha games.