“This f**king sucks”: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Hype is Dying After New Announcement Kills the Excitement for ‘Diehard fans’

Is this move by Treyarch a yay or a nay?

call of duty: black ops 6


  • Some parts of the Call of Duty community aren't quite pleased with Treyarch's latest announcement.
  • In a recent podcast, it was announced that Black Ops 6 would not have looping killstreaks.
  • The community opinions are mixed with fans both for and against this choice.
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Treyarch’s recent announcement regarding Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 has gotten some ‘hardcore’ fans raising the pitchforks. The studio confirmed that the game will not feature looping scorestreaks, a feature that’s been a staple of previous titles.


It’s likely that this decision was made to minimize scorestreak spamming from players, which has been a common complaint before. The change was announced during the first episode of the COD POD podcast. But ‘hardcore’ fans argue that it unfairly punishes skilled players.

Treyarch’s Removal of Looping Killstreaks Has Some Mixed Reactions

A soldier is seen jumping backwards while shooting in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will not have looping killstreaks in multiplayer. | Image Credit: Treyarch

In previous titles like Modern Warfare 3, the ability to loop killstreaks allowed players to earn multiple streaks within a single life. This rewarded players who could stay alive, and rack up long kill chains.

Looping Killstreaks
byu/Thanks_Nikita inblackops6

However, Treyarch’s design philosophy for Black Ops 6 is different. According to associate director of Design Matt Scronce, the goal is to reward players fairly in a single life while avoiding excessive Scorestreak use.

COD POD Episode 1 | The Official Call of Duty Podcast

Many players are frustrated, feeling this move punishes skilled players who manage to stay alive longer. Some players argue that the removal of looping streaks takes away the incentive for high-skill play as players are no longer able to capitalize on their survival skills to earn additional rewards.

As it is with any online debate, there are also fans who support Treyarch‘s decision. They believe that focusing on gun combat over scorestreaks leads to a more engaging and fair match for all participants.


Treyarch is Setting Up for More Player Feedback With the Beta

A cinematic image of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.
Black Ops 6 will feature the new Omnimovement tech. | Image Credit: Treyarch

Treyarch has indicated that they are open to feedback and could consider changes based on player responses during the beta testing phase. This gives hope to players advocating for the return of looping scorestreaks.

The Black Ops 6 beta is set to launch on August 30 for pre-ordered users and September 6 for the open beta. It will be a critical period for Treyarch to gather player opinions and potentially make changes before the game’s official release.

The debate touches on the core philosophy of what makes Call of Duty multiplayer engaging.


Fans of looping scorestreaks see it as a way to celebrate and reward exceptional play, while others feel it leads to an imbalance, creating an unpleasant experience for less skilled players

Should the game prioritize high-skill play or should it aim to create a more balanced environment where everyone has a fair chance? This decision to remove looping streaks in Black Ops 6 appears to lean towards the latter, much to the chagrin of its most dedicated players. 

Though it’s also usually the hardcore players who are the most vocal. The casual players that will be the majority of the player base might not even care about this.


What do you think of Treyarch’s decisions for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Daniel Royte

Articles Published: 171

Daniel is a gamer through and through with a passion for gaming in his veins. His current adventures have taken him into the world of Elden Ring, Wuthering Waves, and Genshin Impact, amongst others.