“Is Valorant ranked system broken on console?”: Not Just the Xbox Release This Time, But a Fundamental Mechanic May Be Broken Now

Valorant console needs more time to cook.

Valorant Xbox


  • Since the launch of Valorant on consoles, many players have been questioning the accuracy and fairness of its ranked system.
  • Players on Reddit are reporting getting inconsistent ranked experiences in their placement games on console.
  • Valorant's ranked system is still a mystery even to PC players. Mechanics like hidden MMR are still not completely understood.
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Valorant’s ranked system on console might not be quite solidly implemented yet as players report some problems. Many users report wild inconsistencies in rank progression, despite performing well in their games. 


A player on Reddit shared their experience of fluctuating Rank Rating (RR) gains and losses. They pointed out that winning games with a good performance often gives them small RR increases. And losses lead to bigger drops. This may sound familiar to long-time players.

The Ranked System for Valorant Console Has a Few Problems

An in-game screenshot of Valorant

Another concern raised by players is the seemingly inflated placement ranks on consoles. Fans report being placed in ranks like Platinum or Diamond despite not performing well. Some suggested that this could be due to the influx of new players who are still getting accustomed to the game, resulting in higher placements for more experienced players who perform well initially.

Is Valorant Ranked System Broken on Console?
byu/Dallasstars29 inVALORANT

Valorant‘s transition from PC to console has also highlighted inconsistencies in the ranking system. For instance, players who performed well on PC find themselves placed significantly higher on consoles despite similar or worse performances.

The core of the problem may lie in the hidden MMR system, which determines matchups based on a player’s unseen skill rating rather than their visible rank. As explained by DroidOnPC, this separation between MMR and visible rank can create misleading scenarios where players of seemingly different skill levels are matched together.

The ranking system for console is horrendous
byu/JdogswagsDaBest inVALORANT

While players see their visible Rank Rating (RR), their true skill level is determined by an unseen MMR. Valorant uses a hidden MMR to determine matchmaking, which is not always reflected in the visible rank.


This can lead to situations where players with similar visible ranks have vastly different skill levels. For instance, a player might experience significant RR drops despite strong individual performances if their hidden MMR isn’t the same as the rank they’re in.

The System Might Just Need Some Time to Settle With a New Player Base

A cinematic still of Valorant
Valorant‘s console journey has only just started. | Image Credit: Riot Games

Despite these issues, some argue that the ranked system’s perceived flaws are temporary. As the console player base grows and more data is collected, the matchmaking and ranking systems should ideally stabilize.

Riot Games‘ goal is to provide a fair and competitive environment, but the early stages of implementation on consoles have clearly shown room for improvement. Patience and player feedback will be crucial in refining the system.

Console ranked
byu/unitedfan1246 inVALORANT

As the console player base continues to grow, the community is hoping for adjustments to the ranked system. Many players believe that fine-tuning the system will lead to more accurate placements and fairer matches.

As Riot Games collects more data and feedback from the community, we should see things stabilize. Valorant’s release on console has been a successful but somewhat rocky one. Fans are taking their passion to the controller and it only gets better from here.

Are you currently playing Valorant on console? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Daniel Royte

Articles Published: 180

Daniel is a gamer through and through with a passion for gaming in his veins. His current adventures have taken him into the world of Elden Ring, Wuthering Waves, and Genshin Impact, amongst others.