“Oh thank God”: Ryan Reynolds Calms Fans Down after Confirming a Major Lady Deadpool Casting Rumor is False

Ryan Reynolds made it clear, he's not Lady Deadpool and, to keep the mystery alive, he chose not to know who got the part either.

Lady deadpool


  • Fans are buzzing with theories about Lady Deadpool's identity, considering candidates like Taylor Swift and Blake Lively.
  • In a classic Deadpool twist, speculation even pointed towards Ryan Reynolds himself as potentially playing Lady Deadpool.
  • However, Reynolds recently clarified in an interview that he is not Lady Deadpool and, like everyone else, is eagerly awaiting the reveal of who will don the mask.
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Who is Lady Deadpool? Fans on the internet are going wild, bending their minds over every possible candidate. Popular guesses like Taylor Swift and Blake Lively have surfaced, but in true Deadpool fashion, fans concluded the most Deadpool-esque answer would be Ryan Reynolds trolling the world as Lady Deadpool himself!

Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool and Wolverine
Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool & Wolverine | Marvel Studios

However, Ryan Reynolds’ recent interview confirmed he is not Lady Deadpool. In fact, like everyone else, he is unaware of the identity of the mysterious lady behind the mask. And will get to know along with the rest of the world.

Ryan Reynolds Denies Being Lady Deadpool!

During a recent chat with Access Hollywood, Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman discussed their little indie film called Deadpool & Wolverine, and inevitably, the question of Lady Deadpool surfaced.


Ryan Reynolds addressed a popular fan theory by humorously revealing that he is not, in fact, Lady Deadpool himself. He said,

I love listening to the conspiracy theories about who it could be, and my favorite one that traveled quite a bit was they think it was me. I don’t know how I could do that with my hips, I cannot walk like that to save my life. My shoulders are absurdly broad for a suit like that, so no, it is not me.

Lady Deadpool
Lady Deadpool | Marvel Studios

To give context to what the actor is saying, the fans did have quite a field day coming to the conclusion that it could very well be him under the mask, here are some of the things fans had to say on that,


He also mentioned that he specifically requested not to be informed of the identity they chose for Lady Deadpool. As he stated,

I don’t know. I am going to find out myself. I specifically said not to tell me when we were shooting. I was like, “Pick anyone you want, alright? And don’t tell me.”

Now, Ryan Reynolds could be pulling an Andrew Garfield here, or he might genuinely not know. Either way, he expressed excitement about finding out along with everyone else.


Who is Lady Deadpool? Fans Still Doubt It’s Not Ryan Reynolds

Who is Lady Deadpool? Marvel Studios’ latest trailer for Deadpool & Wolverine just spilled one of the movie’s juiciest surprises and that is Lady Deadpool and she’s joining the Merc with the Mouth crew in style.

Previous teasers teased her arrival, but this final trailer finally lets her shine. Now, fans are left guessing, who’s behind the mask? Could it be Blake Lively? Taylor Swift? Fans are most certainly relieved that it is not Ryan Reynolds as he confirmed recently, still many have their suspicions.

Ryan Reynolds is DEADPOOL, aka Wade Wilson, aka the Merc with the Mouth.
Ryan Reynolds as DEADPOOL, aka Wade Wilson, aka the Merc with the Mouth. | 20th Century Fox

Here is what they have to say,



Fans are still not entirely convinced he’s not the one, waiting to see it for themselves. As speculation continues to swirl, the true answer will be revealed coming Friday. Until then, patience is the name of the game.

Deadpool & Wolverine hits theaters on July 26.


Written by Sampurna Banerjee

Articles Published: 952

Sampurna Banerjee, an ardent enthusiast of pop culture and movies, pours her passion into her role as a writer for FandomWire. With a penchant for Marvel, DC, and sitcoms, she has contributed over 400 articles, staying up-to-date to the entertainment industry's latest buzz. Moreover, she's penned over 300 articles for Animated Times and shared her work across several Instagram pages. Currently she is pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Calcutta University.