“I’m trying to take this to the next level”: The First Descendant Needs to Steal 1 Warframe Feature to Really Draw in the Masses

'Im addicted to this game'

The First Descendant


  • The First Descendant fan base wants to implement guilds in the young live service shooter.
  • Many fans are calling for a similar Clan Dojo experience from Warframe.
  • The game such as The First Descendant can benefit from a guild and trading system, driving the community forward.
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The First Descendant from Nexon has quickly gained a dedicated fanbase. Thanks to rather diverse characters and abilities, skills, and roles they possess, have made fans return to the game over and over again for some explosive action.


After hours of gameplay fans have begun discussions on ways to improve the gameplay and have come together to say that one feature could take The First Descendant to new heights. One fan particularly thought of implementing Warframe Dojos-styled guilds in this live service shooter. 

Warframe Clan Dojos Are Perfection and Can Suit The First Descendant 


Warframe’s Clan Dojos are a unique take on the guild system and something similar can be a perfect fit for The First Descendant. Dojos are customizable spaces and can be rendered as permanent home bases for each clan.


The First Descendant can take a page out of Warframe’s playbook with customizable guilds. The live service shooter could give each Descendant their own quarter to customize, and maybe even a shared space for all characters where trading and crafting can be performed. 

The benefits should certainly go beyond individual rooms. Warframe‘s Dojos have research labs that unlock powerful items for the entire clan. The First Descendant could adapt this. Guild halls could have research facilities where members pool resources to unlock upgrades for everyone.

Warframe has perfected the guild system and The First Descendant could certainly benefit from it that is driving the community forward. Speaking of community, fans have already come together to realize that clans and guilds for the game are a must and they share the sentiment online. 


The First Descendant Fan Base Wants Guilds

The First Descendant characters in a battle
The First Descendant is a young but very promising game as the fan base increases daily. | Image Credit: Nexon

One fan took to Reddit to share his ideas and insights and asked the community what they think of guilds in the game. Many have come in his favor saying that it can only be a good thing.

While Nexon hasn’t confirmed guilds as an option in the game, fans are hoping they will listen to their battle cries.

This game is crack….
byu/GGloTV29 inTheFirstDescendant

One fan continued on the idea by saying that he would be interested in Descendant Quarters.

byu/GGloTV29 from discussion

Another fan acknowledged the success of Dojos in Warframe by saying how great and massive they are and can be customized in unfathomable ways and that a game such as this can only benefit from it. 

byu/GGloTV29 from discussion

Moreover, one fan, while admitting that it is a good idea for the game should be taken by caution and said that not everyone would benefit from a guild system. 

byu/GGloTV29 from discussion

Nevertheless, The First Descendant is a young game and lacks content in many ways, including the guilds part. 


The potential behind the game is undeniable and as the fan base steadily grows, and new content is implemented, guilds will be just a natural addition. However, the question is in what form they will be implemented? 

What are your thoughts on a Warframe Dojo-like guild system in The First Descentant? Would that be a great addition to the game? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Nikola Pajtic

Articles Published: 70

Nikola is an avid gamer and a pop culture buff. When he is not writing, he is either playing Final Fantasy, thinking about what Lovecraft stories can be adapted into film or video game, and watching new Doctor Who episodes.