“He actually watched him teach”: The Big Bang Theory Might Have Failed With Jokes Later in the Series But Chuck Lorre Got 1 Thing Right That Will Make Christopher Nolan Proud

Chuck Lorre’s accurate science and Bob Newhart’s memorable guest role in The Big Bang Theory reflect his show's unique legacy.

Christopher Nolan the Big Bang Theory
Image by Richard Goldschmidt, licensed under CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons


  • Chuck Lorre ensured The Big Bang Theory maintained scientific accuracy with expert advisors, impressing even Christopher Nolan.
  • Kip Thorne, who attended Oppenheimer's seminars, advised the show, adding authenticity to the scientific content.
  • Chuck Lorre recalls Bob Newhart’s guest star conditions and their memorable collaboration, highlighting his influence on the show.
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In the ever-evolving universe of The Big Bang Theory, where the laughs sometimes fizzled and the jokes fell flat, one pivotal choice stood out. While creator Chuck Lorre may have stumbled with some of the later series’ humor, he nailed a crucial detail that’d make even Christopher Nolan nod in approval. 

Chuck Lorre
Chuck Lorre | Image by Angela George, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

This smart decision not only enhanced the show’s intellectual charm but also showcased Lorre’s commitment to delivering a genuine portrayal of scientific brilliance. What was this smart decision, though? Time to find out!

The Big Bang Theory: How Oppenheimer’s Advisors Applied Real Science

Christopher Nolan
Hollywood director Christopher Nolan | Image by BrokenSphere, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Forget Sheldon freaking out over a missing napkin! The Big Bang Theory might’ve gotten flack for later-season jokes, but here’s a fact that’ll make Christopher Nolan geek out: science accuracy.


Yep, The Big Bang Theory took its science seriously, and we’ve got to thank creator Chuck Lorre’s dedication for it. Remember that complex physics scrawled on whiteboards? Turns out, there were two respected physicists behind it all, ensuring the show wasn’t just geeky, it was geekily accurate. 

Here’s the scoop: Filmmaker Nolan referenced his Interstellar buddy Kip Thorne and UCLA’s David Saltzberg as advisors for his new film Oppenheimer. And Thorne’s connection to the theoretical physicist Oppenheimer goes beyond textbooks. Thorne ACTUALLY attended seminars under Oppenheimer at Princeton! 

In an interview with Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (a publication founded by Albert Einstein), Christopher Nolan revealed, 


Kip attended Princeton and went to seminars under Oppenheimer… he actually watched him teach. And so I was able to put Kip on the phone with Cillian, and then he visited the set to talk about what it was like to watch Oppenheimer… he would listen to all these different points of view and summarize them… and move the dialogue forward.

And guess what? Kip Thorne didn’t just advise creator Lorre; he visited the sets of The Big Bang Theory himself and cameoed in a final season episode. As for UCLA’s Saltzberg, he helped Lorre be scientifically accurate. So guys, the next time you see someone scoff at The Big Bang Theory, hit them with the fact that they at least had a real-life Oppenheimer seminar advisor! 

Breaking Big Bang Theory News: Chuck Lorre Remembers Bob Newhart’s Guest Star Deal!

Chuck Lorre. | Credit: Kempton/Wikimedia Commons.
Chuck Lorre | Image by Kempton, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

It turns out landing the legendary Bob Newhart for The Big Bang Theory wasn’t a walk in the park. Show creator Chuck Lorre recently shared a heartwarming anecdote about finally convincing the comedy icon to join the sitcom (via Variety). 

For years I begged Bob to appear on one of my shows. He always said no. But then he fell in love with The Big Bang Theory and said yes – with two provisions. 

Newhart apparently had high standards! He finally caved for The Big Bang Theory, but only on two conditions: a multi-episode arc for his character and, well, an Emmy win. Calling Newhart a legend, Lorre clearly cherished the experience, as he asserted,


I got to work with a comedy legend. A master of the craft and a kind and gentle man. I even got to call him a friend. How lucky am I?

This sweet tribute came just days after news of Newhart’s passing at 94. Indeed, it was a casting coup and a cherished friendship—a win-win for both Lorre and Big Bang fans.

Watch The Big Bang Theory only on Netflix and Amazon Prime. 


Written by Heena Singh

Articles Published: 97

Heena Singh is a writer at FandomWire, spent the last two years making waves in entertainment journalism. With a knack for digging up blockbuster celebrity scoops and an uncanny nose for the latest buzz, Heena’s articles bring a fresh and fun perspective to life. When she’s not conquering writing challenges, you’ll find her curled up in bed, peacefully sleeping.