“Been my favorite weapon to yearn for since Ninja Gaiden 2”: Assassin’s Creed Shadows Needs to Include 1 Weapon Even Ghost of Tsushima Ignored

How will you be taking on the threats of Sengoku Japan in Assassin’s Creed Shadows?

ninja gaiden 2, ghost of tsushima, assassin's creed shadows


  • Assassin’s Creed Shadows is based on the warring Sengoku period in Japan.
  • During this time, there were several different weapons introduced to history that the game would allow players to wield.
  • One weapon many are looking forward to is Naoe’s kusarigama.
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With Assassin’s Creed Shadows based in Japan, several weapons that have been part of gaming culture for years now are coming to the Assassins’ arsenal. Many of the weapons and items in the upcoming title have been present in games over the years, and fans are eager to finally handle them.


From the fast-paced action of Ninja Gaiden to the cinematic fights of Ghost of Tsushima, gamers have been able to use iconic armaments from Japanese history to complete their objectives. Now, they are looking to AC Shadows for their next fix.

Assassin’s Creed Shadows Fans Are Waiting to Handle the Game’s Many Weapon Options


A wide weapon selection is a major draw for action-adventure games, but the weapons should feel unique, offering a change in play style to handle different combat situations. Assassin’s Creed Shadows weapons are no doubt going to be numerous, and while we do not know the full extent of the arsenal, fans are already stating what they would like to use the most.


As we draw closer to the release date of the game, gamers are getting hyped for their romp through the Sengoku period. Given the warring period, there were a bunch of weapons used by both samurai and shinobi to get an advantage over their enemies.

The same can be said for our upcoming protagonists, Naoe and Yasuke, who are going to have several weapons and tools to use on their adventure.

Redditor Snoo-1992 has asked the community what weapon they are most looking forward to using in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, listing some of the confirmed ones that will be available. The weapons are also going to be divided between the characters, as Yasuke will be more of a strongman and Naoe will be an agile shinobi.


One of Naoe’s signature weapons is going to be the Kusarigama. It can function as a weapon, traversal tool, and assassination method all in one. Some trailers have shown it can also be used to hook onto an enemy and pull Naoe closer to them, even clearing gaps and allowing for a quick and silent takedown.

Fans Suggest Unique Mechanic How to Acquire Weapons in the Game

Naoe from Assassin's Creed Shadows standing atop a roof looking at a castle during winter time.
Naoe’s weapon in Assassin’s Creed Shadows has multiple uses. | Credits: Ubisoft

Exploration and acquisition are beloved aspects of the games, and some fans are suggesting a way to make hunting for new weapons more engaging. Instead of just picking up weapons from chests, Assassin’s Creed Shadows fans are asking Ubisoft to make it so that players need to hunt down materials.

While weapon crafting is not entirely new to the franchise, it has taken a bit of a backseat since Origins. The game took a more RPG approach, giving players new weapons in practically every chest, and simply upgrading it to your current level was enough to make it outclass 90% of other collected armaments.


A mechanic to hunt down resources to craft legendary gear would add a new and fun treasure hunt-style mission that was present in previous titles. If Ubisoft listens to fan feedback and includes this mechanic, it might be another draw for people to try out the game.

Which weapon are you most excited to use in the game? Let us know in the comments below!

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 363

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.