“In today’s episode of s**t takes”: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Has Already Proven Controversial With the Lack of a Feature We All Grew Accustomed To

The Call of Duty community stands divided yet again.

black ops 6


  • Treyarch's decision to remove a key feature related to Scorestreaks in Black Ops 6 has sparked controversy among players.
  • Some argue that the change punishes skilled players and rewards less skilled ones.
  • The upcoming beta period will be crucial in gathering player feedback and fine-tuning the game's mechanics.
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As anticipation builds for the upcoming release of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, fans are eagerly dissecting every little detail that emerges about the game’s features and improvements. However, one particular revelation has sparked a heated debate within the community, leaving some players frustrated and others indifferent.


Treyarch’s decision to remove a beloved feature has left many players scratching their heads and wondering if the developer has lost touch with its core audience.

Black Ops 6: A Streak of Controversy


The feature in question is the ability to loop scorestreaks within a single life. In many previous Call of Duty titles (including Modern Warfare 3, since Season 4), skilled players who managed to earn all three of their selected scorestreaks could continue to rack up points and loop back to the first scorestreak, then the second, and so on, as long as they stayed alive.


However, in the upcoming Black Ops 6, this may no longer be the case. Treyarch has confirmed that scorestreaks will not loop, and a player’s score will reset upon death.

This decision has caused a noticeable split in the community, with many dedicated players expressing frustration and disbelief:

Looping Killstreaks
byu/Thanks_Nikita inblackops6

The poster argues that removing looping scorestreaks punishes skilled players who boast the caliber to earn all three of their scorestreaks and then continue to dominate the match.


They suggest that scorestreaks should reset upon reaching the maximum, but only kills and objective play with the player’s own weapon should count towards the next set of streaks an opinion that any sensible Call of Duty fan can certainly get behind!

Many players agree with this sentiment, feeling that the developers’ decision is a step backward for the franchise:

byu/Thanks_Nikita from discussion

Others reason that if a player is skilled enough to call in a devastating scorestreak like a gunship twice in the same life, they more than deserve the reward:

byu/Thanks_Nikita from discussion

However, some do not think twice before dismissing OP’s viewpoint completely:

byu/Thanks_Nikita from discussion

It’s worth noting that u/Thanks_Nikita’s post specifically addresses the issue of looping killstreaks not the resetting of streak progress upon death, which is a separate matter entirely.

Innocent Until Proven Guilty, Maybe?

The Black Ops 6 Beta is on the horizon. | Image Credit: Call of Duty YouTube Channel

While the debate rages on, some players are taking a more measured approach, preferring to reserve judgment until they can experience the changes firsthand in the future Black Ops Multiplayer mode.


As two such Redditors point out:

byu/Thanks_Nikita from discussion

With the game’s beta set to kick off in the coming weeks, players will soon have the opportunity to test out the new scorestreak system and provide feedback to the developers.

Treyarch has a history of listening to the community and making adjustments based on player feedback, so it remains to be seen whether the decision to remove looping killstreaks will stick or if changes will be made before the game’s official launch on October 25, 2024.


What do you think about this latest revelation? Do you believe it’s a necessary change to combat scorestreak spam, or do you think it unfairly punishes skilled players? Sound off in the comments below!


Written by Soumyajit Mukherjee

Articles Published: 101

Soumyajit (ign: LockDown) is a die-hard PC gamer with a passion for competitive FPS games, having played Rainbow Six Siege at a competitive level in the past. For nearly two years, he has turned his love for gaming and writing into a profession, delivering the latest gaming news and guides to his readers. And when he is not writing or dominating the lobby in Call of Duty or Valorant, you can find him in theaters watching the latest comic book films or binge-watching anime and thriller flicks!