“Roddenberry was wildly inconsistent”: All Star Trek Fans Unanimously Agree Even Patrick Stewart Wasn’t Enough to Save One ‘Bizarre’ Season of The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 1 had awkward storytelling and weak characters, failing to impress fans despite Picard’s efforts.

patrick stewart, star trek the next generation


  • Star Trek: TNG’s debut season was marked by awkward dialogues, underdeveloped characters, and inconsistent storytelling.
  • Gene Roddenberry’s utopian vision led to preachy and problematic episodes, failing to connect with viewers.
  • Fans dub the first season a cosmic disaster, despite Picard’s efforts. It’s widely criticized as a weak start.
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This one season of Star Trek: The Next Generation is so wild that even Captain Picard couldn’t save the chaos. Despite Patrick Stewart’s mind-boggling performance, Star Trek fans agree that this season was a hot mess of weirdly executed storylines and strange plot twists.

William Shatner and Patrick Stewart
William Shatner and Patrick Stewart in Star Trek Generations | Paramount Pictures

Gene Roddenberry’s vision seemed to unravel as episodes took some bizarre turns, leaving fans scratching their heads. Let’s dive into the quirks and flops of this infamous TNG season! 

Star Trek: TNG Season 1 had a rocky start with off dialogues, characters, and overall vibe 

A still from the Violations episode in TNG. | Credit: Paramount Domestic Television.
A still from the Violations episode in TNG. | Paramount Domestic Television

Star Trek: The Next Generation is a classic sci-fi TV show, but its first season is a bumpy ride even for the most die-hard Trekkie. Fans agree: it’s like the cast got tossed without a manual, the dialogues are off, the characters are underdeveloped, and the overall vibe’s more ‘awkward office meeting’ than ‘boldly going where no one’s ever gone before.’


Data, Riker, Worf—all of them feel out of sync. There’s no chemistry, their interactions are stilted. Patrick Stewart’s character Picard’s legendary charisma has yet to fully materialize; instead, it’s replaced by a Captain who sounds like he’s reading cue cards. And, the sleek, futuristic ship design that we know and love? Even that feels like a budget spaceship.

Creator Gene Roddenberry‘s utopian vision for the future, while cool, didn’t really mesh well with TV’s realities. “Roddenberry was wildly inconsistent,” said one fan, commenting on his iffy storylines and push for conflict-free characters that led to more preachy than thrilling episodes. 

However, the show creator Roddenberry’s grip did loosen up in the later seasons, and TNG found its actual rhythm. Michael Piller’s arrival brought a whole new dimension, revitalizing Star Trek: TNG with more drama and character depth. While the series eventually did well, Season 1 is a wild lesson on how creator interference can tank a series and how important it is to find a show’s true identity. 


Fans react to Star Trek: TNG Season 1 missteps despite Picard’s best efforts

Colm Meaney had a bizarre Star Trek journey
Colm Meaney and Patrick Stewart in Star Trek: The Next Generation | Paramount Pictures

Even the legendary Jean-Luc Picard couldn’t save Star Trek: The Next Generation from a bumpy start. It looks like the Enterprise got lost in TV’s Bermuda Triangle, and fans are calling the first season of the show a cosmic disaster and other bad things. 

byu/Mother_Capital_MOFO from discussion

byu/Mother_Capital_MOFO from discussion


byu/Mother_Capital_MOFO from discussion

byu/Mother_Capital_MOFO from discussion

byu/Mother_Capital_MOFO from discussion


byu/Mother_Capital_MOFO from discussion

byu/Mother_Capital_MOFO from discussion

byu/Mother_Capital_MOFO from discussion


byu/Mother_Capital_MOFO from discussion

From weak storylines to questionable character arcs, the first season was, let’s just say, not prime-time viewing. Trekkies are calling it one of the franchise’s weakest outings. But don’t worry true believers, the show eventually found its warp speed and became the sci-fi legend we know and love today!

Watch the show Star Trek: The Next Generation on Paramount+ and Apple TV.


Written by Heena Singh

Articles Published: 106

Heena Singh is a writer at FandomWire, spent the last two years making waves in entertainment journalism. With a knack for digging up blockbuster celebrity scoops and an uncanny nose for the latest buzz, Heena’s articles bring a fresh and fun perspective to life. When she’s not conquering writing challenges, you’ll find her curled up in bed, peacefully sleeping.