“Can we get a… option?”: Helldivers 2 Could Fix a Huge Amount of its Problems With a Simple Change to Deploying

Both Helldivers 2's community and Arrowhead just can't seem to catch a break these days.

helldivers 2


  • As the Helldivers 2 community awaits its upcoming update, a new problem has surfaced, which Arrowhead may need to fix immediately.
  • Discovered on the game's subreddit, it appears that the in-game kill zones aren't working as intended in case of a bad landing during deployment, leaving players stuck with no way out but to quit the session.
  • However, it isn't a problem without a cure, as a simple redeployment option or more creative ways of implementing the kill zones can easily fix the issue.
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Helldivers 2, after having one of the most successful launches for a live service title, has now stabilized with a steady player base. At the same time, it is important to acknowledge that the game is still riddled with problems that Arrowhead needs to overcome with the community’s support.


For instance, people have recently surfaced a somewhat troubling situation with the game’s deployment system, something that can easily be fixed with a simple change from Arrowhead.

Helldivers 2 Needs to Patch in the Option to Redeploy Yourself in the Game

Helldivers 2 characters against a Mech
A player runs away from an acid attack.

As the Helldivers community awaits the drop of the game’s “Escalation of Freedom” update, which promises to breathe new life into the game and add a whole host of much-needed quality-of-life features, it appears that one very problematic Helldivers 2 bug will also need to be patched out with this update.


As pointed out recently on the game’s subreddit, the lack of kill zones and the option to redeploy oneself onto the field is becoming a real problem for our Soldiers.

I got knocked into a stalker nest with no way to die. Can we get a “redeploy” option? Or a killzone?
byu/Koheezy inHelldivers

As others in the thread pointed out, Arrowhead Studio’s implementation of kill zones seems a little wonky and often fails, meaning that quitting out is the only option. While quitting the game isn’t that bad of an option, it does take away a bit of the game’s charm.

Now, adding the option of redeploying aside, there are a few ways that Arrowhead can fix things without breaking immersion or making it feel like a cheat. Instead of regular kill zones, we can have holes filled to the brim with Terminids, making deaths pretty instant.


Another way to go about it would be to, through a Helldivers 2 patch, add the option to comically explode one’s character as a Hail Mary of sorts. When they are stuck in situations like the one above, they can simply go “Kaboom!” and start over.

Helldivers 2 Still Has a Long Way to Go before It Reinvigorates Its Player Base

A still from Helldivers 2, featuring a Helldiver wielding a Heavy Machine Gun.
Helldivers 2 seems to have an unending list of complaints from its community – Image Credit: Arrowhead Studios.

Now, putting aside the hype for its upcoming update, it is somewhat astounding how many complaints Helldivers 2’s community seems to have about the game. You can’t blame them either—Arrowhead, in an effort to refresh things, has made a few too many unsavory changes to their game that didn’t sit well with most players.

Does that mean that the game isn’t fun anymore? Not quite. In fact, it has more content to offer to its players than ever before and still has an auspicious future ahead of it.


However, what this actually means is that Arrowhead still needs to continue putting in the work after its upcoming and supposed “Helldivers 2 fix” to keep its player base pleased for the foreseeable future.

Given how the game has steadied itself into the usual live service rhythm, any mishap from the developers’ end could spell the beginning of its downfall. That said, it’ll undoubtedly be interesting to see how things play out once Escalation of Freedom lands in players’ hands on August 6th.

With that out of the way, what are your thoughts on Helldivers 2 at the moment? Would you like to suggest a fix for the game’s kill zone problem? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Akshit Dangi

Articles Published: 106

Akshit is a (supposed) human being that lurks in different corners of the internet in search of fascinating rabbit holes. Outside of that, though, you'll most likely find him staring at a piece of art for days or completing another playthrough of Silent Hill.