The First Descendant Bosses are Forcing Players to Change to Different Classes Just to Beat Them, and Players Aren’t Happy

Bosses in The First Descendant are taking out players in the most unfair ways!

The First Descendant


  • The First Descendant players have spoken out about the bosses' attack power and pattern.
  • Many claim the tracking on these attacks is far too aggressive, making it difficult to dodge and requiring a lot of tanking.
  • It’s starting to feel unfair for many players, and some feel it’s NEXON’s strategy to get people to try other classes.
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It appears The First Descendant can’t catch a break these days as fans have been levying criticism against the title on an almost daily basis. Now, it’s fairly common for live-service titles to have several issues and bugs that need to be cleared up right after launch, but it does affect the game’s reputation.


The latest issue players have with the game is the bosses and their attack capabilities. Many are claiming The First Descendant bosses dish out way too much damage compared to how much they take, and this requires the players to make some unpleasant choices.

The First Descendant Bosses Force Players to Choose Different Classes

An in-game screenshot of The First Descendant from Nexon.
An in-game screenshot of The First Descendant from Nexon.
An in-game screenshot of The First Descendant from Nexon.
An in-game screenshot of The First Descendant from Nexon.
An in-game screenshot of The First Descendant from Nexon.

Challenges are what motivate gamers to not only hone their skills but also understand the game on a deeper level and use every mechanic However, all that effort goes to waste when the developers have not accurately balanced the game. The First Descendant is suffering from this issue, and players are now speaking out.


Reddit user Galopa posted to the game’s subreddit regarding the damage output of the bosses. They state that the damage is high and unavoidable, leading to the entire set-up just feeling unrefined. This is made worse by the fact that many players currently find many of The First Descendant missions formulaic and repetitive.

The bosses are doing way too much unavoidable damage
byu/Galopa inTheFirstDescendant

They are not the only ones to feel this way, as many replies agree with the post. One reply particularly resonated with the OP’s description of the boss attack pattern.

byu/Galopa from discussion

Another states that avoiding these attacks is near impossible unless the player is 100% covered, as some missiles have insane tracking.

byu/Galopa from discussion

Homing attacks are a bane for many players in the game, as one reply says it doesn’t even feel like the player’s fault for getting hit by them at times.

byu/Galopa from discussion

The OP believes NEXON has introduced such challenges to encourage more players to try out other The First Descendant classes. But this takes away freedom from the player just to secure the success of the mission.

Player Demand NEXON Fix Several In-Game Issues with The First Descendant

The First Descendant squad taking one a giant mech.
Taking down bosses in The First Descendant is harder than it needs to be. | Credits: NEXON Games

Homing attacks are not the only issue to look out for, as the game is now automatically teleporting players across the map. Now, this sounds like a good thing, if it weren’t for the fact that it teleports them to the very outpost they are attempting! This has irked many players, as it introduces an unnecessary interruption.


Other players have also brought up the fact that endgame rewards do not feel worth the amount of time and effort they require. These blueprints should ideally offer the player substantial upgrades to their current equipment, but many have felt they are only incrementally better.

Several technical bugs and glitches also need to be patched out. NEXON Games released an update recently to address some of the issues, and players expressed their appreciation. But there’s a long road ahead of them before the game can be considered stable.

What are your thoughts on the game’s bosses? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 379

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.