Elden Ring Theory Suggests We May Have Been Very Wrong About Marika and Her Revenge Against the Hornsent

So, who really caused the Land of Shadow's collapse?

Elden Ring


  • A fan theory explains who was truly responsible for the Land of the Shadow's downfall.
  • Many believe Marika and Messmer are the villains here, but there's more to this story.
  • The Tarnished finds this realm in a state of decay, and there are many responsible for this.
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Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree expands on the stories of characters like Messmer, Miquella, and Marika. Despite their unique personalities, a lot of these characters share common grounds and motivations that led to the downfall of the Land of Shadow.


When a fan on Twitter asked about Marika’s story based on a cutscene from the game’s trailer, a response garnered the community’s attention, leading to possible theories about her true intentions.

The Greater Will May Be the True Culprit Behind the Hornsent’s Downfall


When user MenasLG on Twitter shared a screenshot from one of Elden Ring DLC’s cutscenes, it begged the question about Marika and the Greater Will, and what exactly it was referring to.


User Louis XIV Roi Soleil’s answer to this question gave rise to a theory that might explain what led to Marika’s anguish against the Hornsent in the Land of Shadow.

According to this theory, Marika was manipulated and seduced in an attempt to have her lead the Golden Order that would eventually devour the Hornsent and everything these people stood for.

While many players assumed that her motives led to the downfall of the Land of Shadow, it seems like there’s more to this story than we may have imagined.


Much of The DLC Is a Result of Messmer’s Purge

Messmer watching a burning landscape in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree.
Marika’s motives may be a bit unclear, but it sure led to nightmarish scenarios in the Land of Shadow. Image Credit: FromSoftware

When Marika’s people were tortured and killed in the Land of Shadow, such grotesque acts of violence pushed her to leave the realm. However, she returned much stronger, and she wasn’t alone in her pursuits.

The infamous Messmer was responsible for the purge that burnt much of this realm to a crisp, leaving nothing but remains of the Hornsent and a universal hate for Messmer, Marika, and everyone associated with them.

However, if the theory holds true, it was actually Metyr, The Mother of Fingers, who seduced Marika into becoming a powerful entity that could take over the Land of Shadow.


Metyr was the daughter of the Greater Will. She descended from a cosmos that led to the Land of Shadow and carried out a purpose that was destined to shape the fate of everything and everyone in the game.

When the Tarnished stumble upon this realm, they find it in a state of decay, where almost everything has been ruined and Messmer happens to be one of the main villains. But, is he truly the one to blame here?

What are your thoughts on the DLC’s themes and world-building? Do you have a theory about what led to the downfall of this realm? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 576

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.