“It’s too staged to be random”: 9 Years On and The Witcher 3 Fans Still Can’t Figure Out the Identity of 1 Mysterious and Hidden Character

The Witcher 3 mysteries continue to crop up nearly a decade after launch!

the witcher 3


  • The Witcher 3 fans are confused about whose body Geralt saw in the game's prologue.
  • Some speculate on the mystery person’s origins based on their eye color, while others state it is a generic figure.
  • While people are debating who this character could be, CD Projekt Red has now moved on to working on the next title in the series.
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When it comes to the best games released on the previous generation of consoles, one will always find The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on the list. It was CD Projekt Red’s crowning achievement at the time and built on everything the previous games in the series had begun.


Even now, nine years after its release, the game is still widely regarded as one of the best RPGs, with fans clamoring for more Witcher content. Fans are also still noticing new details and trying to find answers to some mysteries.

The Witcher 3 Fans Question Mystery Character Featured in Geralt’s Nightmare


With just how vast the game is, there is a lot of stuff that CD Projekt Red has hidden in the world of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt that may have yet to be discovered. The newest one comes in the form of a vision Geralt has at the very start of the game.


During the prologue, we see Geralt interacting with various important characters, such as Vessemir, Yennefer, and Ciri. The player then goes through several tasks that explain the game’s mechanics, which are being enhanced via mods to this very day!

I have never understood who this is, and at this point, I’m afraid to ask…
byu/Banjomir75 inWitcher3

At the end of this prologue, Geralt approaches one of the training dummies and rips a section of cloth away to reveal the eye and a portion of the face of a real human.

While the following events are more startling, this face has puzzled Reddit user Banjomir75, as CD Projekt Red rarely does anything without reason.

byu/Banjomir75 from discussion

Replies to their post do offer some theories as to who the face could belong to, taking into account the eye color.

byu/Banjomir75 from discussion

However, others feel the person is not anyone of note, and they are just a stand-in for Geralt’s victims.

byu/Banjomir75 from discussion

One commenter, who claims to be a modder, says the game file states it’s just a generic model.

byu/Banjomir75 from discussion

While we may never know who this character could be, it’s always fun to speculate and draw references from the books too!

CD Projekt Red Has Fixed Cyberpunk 2077, But What of the Next Witcher Title?

Geralt walking away from a table of soldiers inside of a tavern in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
What’s next for the series after The Witcher 3? | Credits: CD Projekt Red

The studio has been hard at work on redeeming the release of Cyberpunk 2077. After countless updates, the game is finally stable and has even received a highly-rated DLC. However, we haven’t heard much about the next Witcher game that was teased in March 2022.

It is called Witcher 4 for now, and the Co-CEO of CD Projekt Red has revealed that the game won’t be using AI to create assets. However, there is very little else known about the game, such as the protagonist.


This is because the medallion shown in the trailer is not Geralt’s. His medallion is a wolf, while the medallion shown in the teaser resembles more like a lynx or bobcat, hinting at a Witcher who follows the School of the Cat form of combat.

Do you think the body in the combat dummy is someone important? Let us know in the comments below!

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 381

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.