“First impressions aren’t everything”: Yūki Tabata’s Genius Deserves More Credit After He Created the Most Underrated Misdirects in Black Clover

Yūki Tabata's art of deception in terms of character design sets Black Clover apart from many typical Shonen anime series

Black Clover


  • Yūki Tabata’s genius in subverting expectations is witnessed in the way he writes the characters of Black Clover.
  • Characters such as Mereoleona, Zora, and Nacht all seem to portray a different image from their original personality.
  • Tabata proves that there’s more to the characters than meets the eye, displaying how underrated masterpiece Black Clover is.
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Anime and manga often revolve around the first impressions they create for the viewers. Whether it’s the protagonists, antagonists, or just mere side characters — everyone is introduced with certain traits that give the fans clear ideas of who they are. However, Yūki Tabata cleverly defies these preconceived notions by flipping first impressions in Black Clover.

Mereoleona Vermillion from Black Clover
Mereoleona Vermillion from Black Clover | Credit: Studio Pierrot

Black Clover deserves far more recognition for its subtle misdirection, even though some have criticized it for conforming to typical Shonen clichés. Yūki Tabata’s skill at leading the audience to one conclusion and then surprising them with a character’s true nature has made seemingly ordinary scenes in the series some of the most impactful.

The Art of Misdirection by Yūki Tabata

In Black Clover, Yūki Tabata often depicts characters in a way that initially makes them look clichéd or one-dimensional. A lot of characters are simple to classify right from the start, whether it’s because of their appearance, attitude, or initial actions. However, as the story progresses, Tabata slowly reveals the motives, pasts, and morals that give these individuals a deeper, greater degree of complexity.


Mereoleona Vermillion is among this theme’s most remarkable examples. Mereoleona is presented as a ferocious warrior with an unyielding determination when she initially arrives. Her fiery, forceful, and scary characteristics instantly set her apart from the more conventional good people trope.

But as her character grows, we see that beneath her tough appearance lies a strong sense of duty and concern for her allies. It is revealed that Mereoleona is an extraordinarily insightful and intelligent leader who encourages everyone around her to realize their greatest potential; out of a genuine desire to see them grow.

Zora Ideale is another character who perfectly demonstrates Tabata’s skill at deceit. Zora is shown as a snarky troublemaker who doesn’t seem to respect anyone in authority. But as we learn more about Zora’s backstory, it becomes clear that his actions are motivated by a deep sense of justice and a desire to honor his father’s legacy. The traumatic event of his father’s death has shaped Zora’s worldview, leading him to develop his antagonistic attitude toward the nobility.

Nacht Faust from Black Clover
Nacht Faust from Black Clover | Credit: Studio Pierrot

However, perhaps the most powerful example of Tabata’s skill in subverting first impressions is Nacht Faust, the vice-captain of the Black Bulls. Nacht is introduced as a mysterious, dark, and gloomy character who seems to have no concern for conventional morals. But beneath his harsh demeanor, Nacht is a man burdened by his past mistakes and devoted to making sure that others do not suffer the same fate.

Why Yūki Tabata’s Genius Deserves More Recognition

One element that distinguishes Black Clover from other Shonen series is how Tabata focuses on the theme of “first impressions aren’t everything” throughout the entire cast. Characters with deep and complex motivations are often shown to be comedic relief, villains, or irrelevant side characters at first glance. Character development is given careful attention, which improves the story and makes fans constantly wonder if they have really grasped a character’s role in the story.

Zora Ideale from Black Clover
Zora Ideale from Black Clover | Credit: Studio Pierrot

Even while Black Clover doesn’t always get the same praise as other Shonen counterparts, Yūki Tabata is a genius when it comes to defying expectations and giving his characters depth.


In a genre that often relies on familiar archetypes, Tabata’s approach to character development is refreshingly unique. He creates characters who surprise and appeal to the audience by making use of the fact that people are not always what they seem at first look.

Black Clover is currently available to watch on Crunchyroll.


Written by Moumita Chakraborty

Articles Published: 99

Moumita Chakraborty is an experienced content writer with a deep love for the colorful world of the Japanese anime industry. With an attention to detail and a solid understanding of anime culture, Moumita creates engaging articles, and analyses that hold readers' attention. Her writing explores the complex plots and character arcs that represent the genre in addition to highlighting the most recent releases and trends. Moumita hopes to foster ties with other anime lovers and add to the growing fandom through her work.